Are We Taking God Seriously?
Contributed by Chris Swanson on Jan 6, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: How many Christians do not treat their faith in a serious manner or take it for granted? Many get up and go to work or school, but they did not find time to talk to God?
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How many Christians do not treat their faith in a serious manner or take it for granted? Many get up and go to work or school, but they did not find time to talk to God? Undoubtedly, many Christians have some type of insurance (life, home, auto, medical, dental, etc.), but they see their spiritual lives as a bit trivial, like only praying when trouble comes their way.
Jesus was invited to a Pharisee’s house for dinner. A sinner woman learned of this and came to the house and began to wash the feet of Jesus with her tears, kissed them, and anointed them with oil. The Pharisee was critical of this, but Jesus asked him a question, “A creditor had two debtors, one owed a small amount while the other a large amount. The creditor forgave both debts, so which one was more grateful?” The Pharisee replied, “It is the one that was forgiven the most.” Then Jesus told the Pharisee, “You have answered correctly. Do you see this woman? When I entered your home, you did not give me water for my feet, but she wet my feet with tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not greet me with a kiss, but she has not stopped kissing my feet since I came in. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has poured perfumed oil on my feet. This is why I tell you that her many sins have been forgiven; so, she has shown great love. The one who is forgiven little loves little.” Then Jesus says to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 7:36-48)
Basically, the people who love Christ little are not as intense about their faith in Jesus. You see, while individuals who have lived a good moral life that come to Jesus may ultimately discover that they are completely destroyed by their wicked hearts, yet it is those that have apparently lived immoral lives that are the ones that value Jesus the most because he has helped them. As they have come to Jesus in a serious manner, astounding things occur.
Are We Taking God Seriously?
Because we currently live in a critically challenging time, there must be a reason as to why people do not take God at His Word. Do we even take God seriously? Provided that this is true, how might we be aware? What is the significance here in taking God in such a grave manner? How can we say whether or not people are earnest about their confidence and faith in God?
Individuals who are serious about their faith do not mistake it for different convictions, loyalties, or blend them together aimlessly with the secular world’s belief system.
Individuals who are serious about their faith do not agree to, empower, or allow any infringement of its norms of conviction or conduct by its declared believers.
Individuals who are serious about their faith do not stay quiet about it, apologize for it, or allow it to be treated as if it had little or no effect, in their conduct or in their associations with others.
Individuals who are serious about their faith study the Scriptures, have a positive prayer life, and look for ways to lead others to Christ.
Individuals who are serious about their faith continually seek the Lord’s guidance in all aspects of their life.
I believe that the actual question that we should ask ourselves is this, “How do we go about taking God seriously?” Taking God seriously starts first by us having a “fear of the Lord.”
“The fear of the Lord” is a vital topic in the wisdom writing of the Bible, from the book of Job through the Song of Solomon. It means to have regard and adoration for God and to feel in wonder of His highness and power. This is the beginning stage to tracking down genuine wisdom.
Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
Perhaps the most irritating sort of individual is a smart aleck, an individual who has an overbearing assessment on everything and who is shut to anything new. Solomon calls this sort of individual a braggart. We should not turn into or become a "know-it-all." All things being equal, we ought to be open to the guidance of others, particularly the people who are familiar with us and can give us significant insight and advice. We should ascertain how to gain understanding from others. Only God knows everything.
Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”
Nobody can be really wise except if he fears the Lord. This is not only about respect, yet it does not infer panic and terror. The thought is one of lowliness, profound love, and surrender. The reason for fearing God in this manner is believing that He is sacred and abhors and rebuffs sin. The people who appropriately comprehend God's position have a reasonable perspective on the real world, prompting knowledge and improved results.