Applying The Easter Message
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This Easter, do we have the same attitude as Christ? Are you lacking in faith? Do you need to be renewed? Jesus called us to love, and then He went and demonstrated His love on a cross for all before resurrecting. What more do we need?
Applying the Easter Message
Philippians 2:1-11
- What a fantastic day to be in God’s house!
-- Today, everywhere, Christians are celebrating the incredible gift God gave us
-- But why do we celebrate? Why is there joy to be in God’s house today?
- Simple: Jesus … is ALIVE!
- Today we not only celebrate Jesus’ glorious resurrection (most known story), but,
-- We also look to the Word of God to see how we can be more like His Son
-- This allows us to examine how we can change our lives to be more like Jesus.
- Read Philippians 2:1-11
- Pray
∆ Point 1 – How is your attitude? (Verse 5)
- Let’s ponder the question above … what a challenge to so many today!
- Often times we have issues relating to one another
-- Jesus never had a problem talking to people as He often spoke from the heart
-- He controlled his emotions and responded with what people needed
-- Sometimes, we seem to miss that He is the model we should live our lives by
- APP: Jesus’ attitude was in control, on time, and always ready with an answer
- This morning, many of may be facing life’s challenges with a heavy burden
-- Perhaps it’s made you feel that God has abandoned you?
-- Or maybe you’re convinced that God has forgotten about your troubles?
-- Or worse, you’ve even stopped praying because you don’t think He cares
-- Could it be … life’s events have affected your attitude regarding Easter?
- We know Easter is not about a bunny rabbit; it’s not about an egg hunt
-- Easter is the celebration of victory over death, hell, and the grave … for us!
-- When Jesus emerged from the tomb, He stepped into the role of Master!
-- He was no longer a servant, but as the only One with the authority to judge
-- APP: He went through the very gates of hell so we could believe Him and live
- He is the same Jesus that emerged from the tomb and comforted Mary
- He is the one who restored Peter after he denied Christ three times
- He is the one who appeared to Thomas to settle his doubts about Him
- He is the same Lord who called Paul on the road to Damascus
- He is the same one in Revelation Chapter 1 revealed to John
- He is the same Christ on the throne in Revelation 3 and 4 being worshiped
- He is the Lord who is promised to come back and redeem His church
- He is the great I Am …. He is worthy to be praised today!
- Because of Easter we ought to celebrate; but also ought to examine ourselves
-- We should be able to see where we need to change to be more like Him
- Today is not a funeral service … Today is not a day to be sad or glum
-- Today is a celebration that because Jesus paid the price for your sins
-- Because you are redeemed, you can be free and have victory over sin/death
-- It is a day to rejoice, and also a day to examine our hearts to be more like Him!
- TRANS: Perhaps this Easter we can examine our attitude and change. Why?
∆ Point 2 – Jesus’s attitude was also God’s Attitude (Verse 6-8)
- Jesus took on the form of Man, even though He was still fully God
-- Came to show us that even as the Son of God; serving others is most important
- He dwelt among us as flesh and bone; had experiences
-- He experienced the same things that we experienced; had emotions
-- But He was perfect; one without sin and who could pay for debt of ALL sin
-- IMP: But more than that, Jesus was always alive – He is eternal
- Turn to John 1
- John 1:1, “In the beginning the Word was God, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” From the very beginning, the Word of God was present
-- Everything that we need; or will need; comes from His Word and from Him
-- He is the provider and the one we should seek nourishment from each day!
- John 1:2, “He was with God in the beginning.”
-- When God said let us make man in our image, he was not talking to Himself!!
- John 1:3, “Through Him all things were made, without Him nothing was made that has been made.” He had knowledge of everything; His power is remarkable
-- Nothing on this Earth has been done outside of the knowledge of God
-- He created it all, and His creation exists because of who He is