
Summary: This is a sermon instructing us to never be idle both in our physical activity and spiritual activity.

Ants and Slugs

Text: Pro. 6:6-11


Reading this verse of scripture today we find two contrasting personalities, there is the ant or the wise and diligent and the sluggard which is sleepy and unconcerned. The latter I would like to discuss first.

The Sluggard:

The word sluggard = originates from the word slug or slug like.

Sluggish= slow unmotivated and uncaring of the future. No zeal or vision.

Slimy= It is generally meant that one is sneaky and underhanded, untrustworthy, lies and cheats. Do any thing they have to hide from work.

Nocturnal animal= Most active at night. Some people will stay up all night watching TV and carousing around town and then the next morning you cant get them out of bed. They are worthless at their job and in school. To tired to come to church.

Full of excuses= Pro. 20:4


The Bible Says

Pro. 13:4

Pro. 21:25-26

Pro. 20:13 Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty.

2Thes. 3:7-14 Apostle Paul example

Bible says one that cannot provide for his own is worse than a infidel

Genesis: Adam even tended the Garden

“ God provides for the birds their daily bread but he doesn’t put it in their nest”

A Few things to learn from the Ant

Pro. 6:6-8

Missionary story of ants= India has out of the whole world the greatest population of ants.

They are in the tupawear bowls, Ziploc bags, cabinets, even in your drinking glass which would be to us Mt. Everest. Nothing to great or to big for the ant. (sermon central illustration)

#1 Determination

Weather it was a tightly sealed container or sack, or a cabinet high in the air or a drinking glass to a ant the size of Mt. Everest there is no obstacle to big for the ant. Some times we as Christians know there is a blessing for us but because of a little obstacle we give up our families, church, jobs, relationships, etc…

#2 Dependability and Self Motivation

V.7) The ant knows who he is and what he must do. You ever been on a pick nick-and all the sudden a bunch of ants come along and carry your food away. You can count on when you go on a pick-nick losing some food to ants. The devil ought to be able to count on when he is having a pick-nick in the world, in your family, in your job, in your church to see some Christians come along and carry away his dinner.

Can God count on you to be a Christian ?????

#3 Preservation

V.8) Some live spiritually speaking pay-check to pay-check

Pray, fast , study word now for battles ahead

#4 All for one and one for all

Never Alone. Why? Their strength is in their unity!

They eat together ---------------------

They fight together ----------Some do not need a church???

Ant has two stomachs one for herself and one for her colony

( Not just abut you) ( Need a stomach for the church)

Math. 12:16-20 ( Rich Man built bigger barns)

God did not intend for we as Christians to ever be idle!!!!!!!!

Maybe he had plenty for himself, but what about those down the road starving and in need. Just because you are doing well doesn’t mean you can set back and take ease. If things are well in your life, take it upon you to create the same security for some one else.

Forsake not the assembling of your selves together even so much more as the day draweth near.

Rom 12:11-13

Rom 13:11-12

Field is white unto Harvest but the Laborers are few!!!!

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