

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Understanding the biblical concept of anointing and its significance in our Christian walk, and how we can operate in the same anointing as Jesus did.


Youth Group Plan: Anointing (Isaiah 61:1-3, Hebrews 9:15)

Youth Sermon: Anointing


Have you ever watched a superhero movie where the hero gets their powers from a special object or event? Like Spiderman getting bitten by a radioactive spider, or Thor with his mighty hammer? Well, today we're going to talk about a superpower that's even cooler - the anointing of God.

You see, in the Bible, anointing was like getting a superpower. It was used for kings, priests, and prophets. Kings were anointed to lead and make decisions. Priests were anointed to connect with God on behalf of the people. Prophets were anointed to share God's messages with the people.

In the Bible, anointing was like getting a superpower.

Jesus, the Ultimate Superhero

Now, imagine if there was a superhero who had all three powers. Well, there was, and His name is Jesus. He was a King, leading us in the fight against evil. He was a Priest, connecting us with God. And He was a Prophet, sharing God's love and truth with us.

But here's the coolest part - when we choose to follow Jesus, we get to share in His superpowers. We become "little Christs," or Christians. We get to lead others towards good, connect them with God, and share His love and truth.

Using Our Superpowers

Now, you might be thinking, "That sounds great, but how do I use these superpowers?" Well, it's not about flying or lifting cars. It's about showing God's power in our world. It's about standing up for what's right, praying for others, and sharing God's love.

For example, let's say you see someone being bullied at school. You could use your "king" power to stand up for them. You could use your "priest" power to pray for them. And you could use your "prophet" power to share God's love with them.


So, let's pray together: God, thank You for giving us the superpower of Your anointing. Help us to use it to stand up for what's right, to pray for others, and to share Your love. Give us the courage to be like Jesus, our ultimate superhero. Amen.

Remember, guys, with great power comes great responsibility. Let's use our superpowers for good this week!

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What does it mean to be anointed by God?

2. How can we operate in the same anointing as Jesus did?

3. What are some ways we can demonstrate God's power in our daily lives?

4. How can we prepare ourselves for power encounters?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Anointing Relay

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