
Summary: If we close our lives to the work of Angels we miss a big part of what God wants to do with us! So what are some of the Biblical basis for Angels and what are some of the things we know about them because of the Scripture?

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Psalm 91:11 For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go.12 They will hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone.

Psalm 34:7 For the angel of the LORD guards all who fear him, and he rescues them.

My first Pastor said to me that if something was mentioned once in the Bible it was important, twice very important and more than three times extremely important and we ignore at our peril!

Angels are mentioned 375 times in the Bible, more than Love, Gospel, or Peace.

33% in the Old Testament 67% in the new.

So when I was questioned the other day about the biblical basis for talking with Angels or seeing Angels I did a little study, to help us understand why in this Age we need to more than ever look for the assistance of the Angelic host.

My friend was a little concerned because of a couple of Scriptures

Gal 1:8 8 Let God’s curse fall on anyone, including myself, who preaches any other message than the one we told you about. Even if an angel comes from heaven and preaches any other message, let him be forever cursed. 9 I will say it again: If anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let God’s curse fall upon that person.

2 Cor 11:14

Even Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no wonder his servants can also do it by pretending to be godly ministers. In the end they will get every bit of punishment their wicked deeds deserve.

Because also the likes of Mohammad and Joseph Smith had been deceived by an Angel of Light.

Firstly It should be said that any Angel that preaches any message outside that which was preached by the Apostles is False.

Any Angel that seeks worship is false, The true Angels of God will rebuke the moment we ever try.

Any Angel that won’t confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and is mans only hope of salvation is false.

So there are plenty of ways to test the Spirits.

The Angel that came to Mohammad said that Jesus was just one in a long line of Prophets but that Mohammad was the last and true prophet, That should tell you something.

The Angel that came to Joseph Smith was introducing a new Gospel of salvation, where Jesus was just a man. That should tell you something.

The Angels that come to New Age worshipers will not accept that Jesus is the only way of Salvation! that should tell you something.

The only danger in talking to Angels is our own pride, its not so hard to spot the deception if we walk in humility. Remember there is one Gospel and only one way to God and that is through Jesus Christ, who in fact is God. No Angel will receive worship if they are from God.

In the Scripture there is a long list of interventions by Angels, and also a lot of two way conversations with Angels in many cases the course of human history has changed forever because of these interventions. However never has the spotlight been taken off The Father, Jesus or the Holy Spirit, by any of these interventions.

Some of them are quite different experiences, like Balams Donkey, but in all cases there is a victory for the true and living God.

A list of those who spoke to Angels or to whom Angels spoke. Do your own study sometimes it will surprise you!

Hagar, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Lot ,Moses, Balams Donkey, Balam, Joshua, All the Children of Israel in Judges 2:1-6, Gideon, Elijah , Elisha Angels & Horsemen, David, Daniel, Zechariah the Prophet, Elizabeth, Zechariah Father of John the Baptist, Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Shepherds, Wise men, Peter , John, Phillip, Stephen, Paul, The Women at the tomb, Cornelius

All the Disciples when Jesus ascended.

I have had a number of experiences with Angels and there are thousands of stories of Angelic activity in the Church right through the Ages and ever more so in this final hour of history.

There was an evangelist in NZ many years ago called Bob Kingi, he had lots of Angel stories, but the one I loved the most was when he was ministering in Australia, the Lord moved powerfully in the morning service and there were many miracles, signs and wonders, but Bob was very late finishing, in fact there was no way he would make it to the night meeting several hours drive away. Bob thought to cancel the night meeting but the Holy Spirit compelled him to set out in his car. About 30 mins into his journey Bob saw a hitch hiker and decided to pick him up. When he took his back pack to put in the boot Bob noticed it was very light in fact it seemed empty, but he thought nothing of it. On the journey the man started to talk to Bob about the wonders of the Lord. And all track of time was lost. Suddenly the man said this is where I get out Bob said, there’s nothing here we are in the middle of nowhere, but the man insisted, so Bob let him out, the man blessed bob in the name of the Lord and Bob drove off, looking in his rear view mirror there was no sign of his passenger, within five minutes Bob arrived in the town he was due to speak at in the evening, he looked at his watch and realised he had fifteen minutes to spare before the meeting began, The five hour journey had only taken one & a half hours to complete, His passenger had to be an Angel, Bob and his car had been translated in time. Did Bob become deceived by this experience? Not at all up until the time of his death, he preached the Gospel of Jesus.

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Ian Johnson

commented on Oct 27, 2006

This sermon is designed to help you understand that we have lots of help in our walk from ministering Angels. Angels dont preach the Gospel, that's our job, but they assist us to get the job done.

Sandra Eddins

commented on Jul 12, 2011

This was a good learning tool...thank you.

Sandra Eddins

commented on Jul 12, 2011

This was a good learning tool...thank you.

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