
Summary: We relate with Angels in prayer.


Scripture: Luke 2:8-20

Intro: We relate with Angels in prayer.

Tips for Reflection

I. The Angels

a. Angels – created for a purpose to serve God

b. often messengers

c. this time sent to announce a mission

II. The Shepherds

a. Outcasts – social and religious

i. Don’t participate in society

ii. Don’t participate in temple activities

iii. Spend all their time with sheep

b. Last people you’d expect to be give the good news

c. When the angels left, the shepherds decided to go check it out for themselves

i. They didn’t make excuses about the sheep

ii. They didn’t make excuses about going in the morning

iii. They didn’t make excuses about not knowing where to look

iv. They didn’t make excuses; they just went

d. And they looked until they found

i. Everything was exactly like it was described

e. When they saw what they found, they told everyone what they had seen

i. They told Mary and Joseph

ii. They told everyone else what they saw and experienced

f. Their telling resulted in two things:

i. Everyone wondered at what they heard

ii. Mary treasured these things in her heart

III. The Message

a. God’s intention to make peace with all people

b. The Savior is born according to prophesy

c. There is a sign to prove what God declares

d. The message of God’s gift is still valid today.

Heavenly realm...


Human race...

Our life will be happy and peaceful in the new year not because of absence of problems but presence of God.

When we relate with Angels in prayer, when we listen to the outcaste people and when we serve our neighbours, we can be a mother of God delivering the good news to all that we are part of salvation history.

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