
Summary: Message summarizing the doctrine of angels.

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Angelology concerns the teaching of the Scripture regarding angels. This study is sometimes broken down into three different categories: Angelology, Demonology, and Satanology. Since all of these deal with angels, we will consider them all under the heading of angels; elect and evil.

I. General Characteristics of Angelic Beings

A. Existence

The Bible mentions the existence of angels from Genesis to Revelation. The recorders of Scripture assume the existence of angels and therefore make no attempt to prove it. The existence of celestial beings quite distinct from humanity and from the Godhead are mentioned 108 time in the Old Testament and 165 times in the New Testament. From these passages we construct our limited understanding of the doctrine of angels. Most important, Jesus believed in, relied upon and taught the existence of angels (Matt 18:10; 13:32, 41; 26:53). Paul and the other apostles also taught extensively on angels.

Angelology rests not upon reason or supposition or personal experience but upon revelation as the most accurate source.

Much is made of angels in our day and age. Not all of what we read is Biblical but comes from a perversion of truth by fallen angels.

The teaching about angels is widely diffused throughout Scripture. The mention of angels is not confined to one book or one writer or one period. Their existence is mentioned in at least thirty-four books of the Bible and from the earliest (whether Job or Genesis) to the last. Furthermore, our Lord spoke of the real existence of angels on occasions when it would not have been necessary to do so. Some have tried to claim that Christ spoke of angels and demons and Satan simply because He was accommodating Himself to the ignorance of the people of His time. In other words, they claim that He was playing to the grandstands when He talked about spirit beings. But there are instances when this could not have been His motive, so the only conclusion one can reach is that He too believed in their real existence (Mt 18:10; 26:53).

B. Creation

Psalm 148:5 indicates that the angels were all created at one time.

For He commanded and they (angels) were created. Psalm 148:5

Col 1:16 indicates they were created by and for Jesus.

Job 38:7 hints that the angels were present when the earth was created and thus were created before man.

Heb 12:22; 2Kings 6:17; Matt 26:53; Job 25:3 indicate that the number of angels created is HUGE. There is no increase or decrease in their number. One implied guess at their number is from Matt 18:10 which could be interpreted that there may be one angel for every human being. This is only speculation.

Matt 22:30 indicates that they do not procreate.

C. Nature

1. Spirit Beings

They are spirit beings able to appear in visible, even human form.

Heb 1:14; Psa 104:4; Gen 19; Judges 2:1; 6:11-22; Matt 1:20; Luke 1:26; John 20:12 They appear with six wings in Isaiah 6. In various forms in Rev.

2. Great in might and power

2 Peter 2:11 greater than man. One angel destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, smote the first-born, rolled away the stone , had power to lay hold of the old dragon the devil, smote a hundred and fourscore and five thousand Assyrians. They are mighty, but NOT almighty. Their might and strength has been given them by God.

3. Bear all the elements of personality

They think, have emotions and exercise their will. Matt 8:29; 2 Cor 11:3; 1 Pet 1:12; Luke 2:13; James 2:19; Rev 12 17; Luke 8:28-31; 2 Tim 2:26; Jude 6

4. Immortal – Luke 20:36

5. Created holy, without sin in a perfect atmosphere of holiness

D. Organization

Not a great deal is known about the organization of angels. We do know that both the elect and evil angels are highly organized. Some things a mentioned but not further expanded upon.

We have mention of THE archangel Michael, Princes (Dan 10:13), Cherubim (Eze 28:14,16) Seraphim (Isa 6:2); Governmental levels such as: rulers or principalities, authorities or powers, rulers of this world, thrones or dominions. Eph 1:21; 3:10: 6:12; Col 1:16; 2:10,15; 2 Pet 2:11; Jude 8).

II. Elect Angels

A. Character

The Bible seems to indicate that those angels who remained loyal at the test are forever confirmed to holiness. They are known as the elect or holy angels.

B. Work

I appreciate the conciseness and precision of Ryrie in regard to what angels do.

“Basically and essentially good angels are servants. God sends them for serve or help of believers, and in so serving the angels function as priestly messengers in the temple-universe of God.”

1. They serve God

a) They praise God Psalm 148:1-2; Isa 6:3

b) They worship God Heb 1:6; Rev 5:8-13

c) They rejoice in what God does Job 38:6-7

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