
Summary: Jesus gave the church their marching orders and showed us how we can achieve it.

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And these signs will follow

Mark 16:15-20

Good morning everyone, glad that you have joined us in worship. Please turn to Mark 16:15-20

It is the passage of the “Great Commission” and it goes along side the message we looked at last week. Last week looked at not being ashamed of the gospel and living it out in our lives and being sensitive that we share the gospel with others the Lord has brought into our paths as we journey in life.

Today we look at the recorded passage of the great commission in the book of Mark and then Jesus ascending to heaven and leaving us instructions on how we can live that out in our lives.

This passage gives believers instructions of what that life should look like if we desire to make an impact on others.

Mark 16:15-20 read from Bible

Jesus gave the church its marching orders… preach the gospel and teach in all the nations. To take the saving message of Jesus Christ into all of the world.

Now does that mean that every believer must leave home and family and go to another country?

Do we all…have to leave to fulfill this command?

“Go therefore, and teach all nations”- Matthew 28:19

“Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”- text Mark 16:15

One verse says the nations and one verse says the world- when we study these two different Greek words, we find that we do not have to go far from home to fulfill the great commission and that all believers are to be involved in the process.

Nations is the Greek word “ethnos”-

it describes all different customs

Cultures and civilizations.

It means the gospel is to be taken to all people from around the world.

One translation of Matthew 28:15- Go, therefore and teach all ethnic groups, invading every race, every skin color, and every nation that has different customs and culture.

One day to take it around the world.

Because of travel and people coming from different countries and moving here, we do not have to go far from home to find someone with different cultures and customs.

Just leave your house and go to a different neighborhood.

We can find those different from us and build a relationship with them and can bring them a message of Jesus Christ- they become our mission field!

Our text in Mark targets the great commission different- “Go ye into all the world”

world is the Greek word “kosmos”- it denotes a particular system, system of fashion, a circle of friends, any sphere where you live and have influence.

According to Renner, Apostle Paul used the word kosmos when he wrote that Satan was the “god of this world”. Paul wasn’t speaking of this physical earth, he was saying that Satan is the god of the systems of the earth…the god of some leadership, the god of most people’s influence…AND WE ARE TO INVADE THAT WORLD AND BRING THE GOSPEL TO THOSE THAT NEED TO HEAR IT.

world system where you work- bring the gospel

fellow workers

the school that you attend…bring the gospel.

your circle of friends where you have influence

Special clubs that you belong- they don’t influence you away from God, you are to influence them toward the things of God.

The place where you live, function and have influence!

Where is your closest mission field? Right next door

Where are you called?- every person you have influence with- you don’t have to go to another country- just go with a heart of missions to the grocery store and see who needs to hear the gospel and be open.

Jesus told us the fields are ready for harvest- John 4:35 people right near you are hurting and struggling through life. Just hoping someone could give them some answers to questions they don’t even know to ask.

You are the missionary they have been waiting for and Jesus sends you because you already have a relationship with them and have influence.

Jesus said we are to be the salt of the earth- Matthew 5:13

Adrian Rodgers says that salt





He says that we are to salt not pepper, we are not sugar- he says that we are not to become worthless and lost our savor.

What does it mean to preach His word? Not everyone is meant to be behind a pulpit, but all of us who profess Christ are meant to share the gospel.

Preach comes from the Greek word “kerusso”- it means to proclaim, to declare, to announce or to herald a message of Jesus.

kerux- K-E-R-U-X- was a representative of the king and his job was to announce with clear voice the desires,orders, events, news, or message of that king without changing the message.

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