And Suddenly
Contributed by Daniel Chua on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There 5 essential attitudes that we need in this season of the suddenlies. Get ready - God is moving!
And Suddenly
Malachi 3:1
’The Lord you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple.’
Webster Dictionary defines ’suddenly’ as ‘happening unexpectedly; changing angle all at once; marked by abruptness; brought about in a short time.’
We are in a season of the unexpected where the events that are happening around us may seem abrupt and illogical. However I believe God is accelerating His end-time purposes to bring about a restoration of His glory on the earth before the return of His Son Jesus. These acts are ‘outbursts of His passion’ and the ultimate end will far exceed our wildest imagination!
As Christians living these last days, we need 5 essential attitudes if we don’t want to be caught by surprise:
1. Be tuned in – God speaks when we least expect it
Matt 3:17
And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
- We’re His sheep and we ought to hear His voice
- Example of Samuel
- Voice activated leadership
- We need to differentiate between these 4 kinds of voices: our own, people, the enemy and God
- Illustrations from my life
- Stories of how some Christians miss a move of God because they’re not listening
- Yonggi Cho built the world’s biggest church simply by ’Hearing and Obeying’
- Faith comes by hearing the Word of God
- Luke 18:8 ’... will He find faith’
2. Be vigilant – We have to respond to the storms of life when we least expect them
Matt 8:24
And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep.
- The disciples were found sleeping
- Wake up, clean up and dress up (Rom 13:11-14)
- Welcome trials, they’re stepping stones to perfection (James 1:3)
- No test, no testimony
- Earn Stars through scars
- Illustration: almost lost Melody and I was in the Philippines
- Make sure Jesus is in your boat
- He’s never early but neither will He be late
3. Be prepared – The Master will require an account of our lives when we least expect it
Mark 13:36
If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping.
- We’ve all been given gifts and talents
- More is given more is required
- We’re stewards of the graces of God (2 Cor 6:1)
- The key is faithfulness
- Preparation in Prayer
4. Be ready – There’ll be demands on our anointings and miracles will happened when you least expect them
Matt 9:20
And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment.
- We have anointings (1 John 2:20)
- Not to flaunt them but to use them
- We’re anointed for good works (Acts 10:38)
- Look around you and see people with needs
- Sometimes we’re tired after ministry when we have to pray for another person
- Sometimes it’s our day-off when our phone rings..
- We’re men on a mission and we’re never off duty
- We see this in the ministry of Jesus.. He couldn’t even mourn for His closest cousin’s death (John the Baptist)
5. Be expectant - Encounters with God will happen when we least expect them
Acts 2:2
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
- Expectancy is the breeding ground for encounters
- That’s the attitude that we all must have when we come into the presence of God
- When God comes on the scene, He’s a giver and He seeks to dispense His grace to His children
- Stories in the mission field of how I thought it’s time to end in meeting and was closing in prayer when the Holy Spirit invaded our time and space
The Lord is doing a new thing on the earth and it takes a prophetic generation to ride the wave of the Spirit. Generations – let’s be part of the movement!