
Summary: Three steps to becoming a mature Christian. Three steps we should do...and so much the more as we see the day approaching.

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And So Much The More

Hebrews 10:19-25

June 26, 2005 AM

Subject: Christian Walk

Central Theme: What are the steps we should take as Christians?

Objective: Every person can become a Christian by taking three steps.

Introduction: I am excited today. This is the day that the LORD hath made. That was the first thought on my mind this morning.

I don’t know about you, but I’m the kind of person that wants more. I want more! I want more of God’s blessing, I want more to do in the Kingdom of God. I want more. We know that in order to have more, we must do more. If we are faithful in a few things, we can be faithful in more things.

This morning I want to preach to you about some of the things we can do more of. I want to preach on the thought “So much the more.”

READ Hebrews 10:19-25


I. Step 1: Let Us Draw Near vs 22


A. With a true heart

1. God deals with our hearts.

2. When we come to God is must be out of a sincere heart.

3. We must be deeply convinced of our need of help.

[Illustration: My pastor would always say that many people will miss heaven by 18 inches. That is the distance between the head and the heart. I agree with that.]

B. With full assurance of faith

1. Faith is what is needed to be saved.

2. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

3. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

4. If you have faith as a mustard seed, you could get saved. You could even move mountains.

5. The object of your faith is the one we are drawing near to. He is the LORD Jesus Christ.

1. Unwavering faith is essential to victory in Christ.

James 1:6 “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”

2. Is your faith rock solid?

3. Can you say in your conscience that Jesus Christ is Who the bible says He is?

4. Unwavering faith believes for sure that which cannot be seen or known beforehand.

a) Jesus spoke emphatically about things yet future that were a present reality to Him.

b) As Christians, we know some things about our future.

c) We are God’s jewels. We are His prize. We are His Children. We have Almighty God as our Father and He wants to give us good and perfect gifts.

[Illustration: Who wants to be a Hilton? High society. Lots of money. The question is “Who wants to be a Christian?”]

C. Being cleaned from the inside out.

1. God works on the inside first giving you a new heart and transforming your mind.

2. Next, God works on the outside. He wants you to be clean inside and out.

a) The priests were required to take a bath before offering the sacrifices. They must be clean on the inside and outside to approach the throne of God.

D. To the unsaved.

1. If you are not a Christian this morning I want to tell you that the first step is to simply draw near to God. Get saved and begin the process of becoming more like Jesus.

[We ought to draw near to God…And So Much The More]

I. Step 1: Let Us Draw Near vs 22

II. Step 2: Let Us Hold Fast vs 23

A. Our Faith

1. FWB teaches the Perseverance of the Saints.

2. We believe that we must hold on and keep our eyes on the LORD till the day we die.

B. Our Hope

1. God promises to give us eternal life.

2. Eternal life is the object of our hope.

3. God promised it and God cannot lie.

C. We ought to Hold Fast…And So Much The More

I. Step 1: Let Us Draw Near vs 22

II. Step 2: Let Us Hold Fast vs 23

III. Step 3: Let Us Consider vs 24

One another for the purpose of:

A. To Provoke

1. unto Love

a) Love the LORD

b) Love our neighbors as ourselves.

c) Our new commandment is “love one another.”

2. unto Good Works

a) Good works have eternal value in heaven.

b) We’re not saved by good works, however, we are saved unto good works.

c) We are to provoke and encourage one another to love and good works.

3. We are provoking people to start at Step 1.

4. How do we provoke in a good way?

[Friend Day is an example. Our goal is 75 souls in church. We’re having Hawaiian day, BBQ, and Potluck. We’re sending out 5,000 mailers to addresses around the church. We’re making a big deal about and average Sunday. I am simply trying to provoke you to invite friends and family to church.]

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