
Summary: If anyone had a reason to quit it was David, but DAVID WENT ON!

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2 Samuel 5:1-10

David had reigned in Hebron over Judah for 7 ½ years. He has just been proclaimed King over all Israel. His 1st act as King of all Israel was to take possession of the ancient city of Jerusalem.

The city belonged to the Port of Benjamin, but the Jebusites had dwelt there so long and had so increased that it was commonly called a city of the Jebusites.

They resented David’s purpose and they defiled him with bitter words.

Verse 10 says “And David went on and grew great, and the Lord God of Hosts was with him.”

By God’s power, I would like to put to you a challenge to every responsible man, woman, boy and girl here today, to do as David did in verse 10.


He went on

A. If looking for place to quit could have found it. Many pitfalls along the way.

So can we if want to quit, it’s easy. But let us look to Calvary and see Jesus going on, in spite of every turmoil, every pain, every agony.

1. David went on with His Responsibility

a. David knew God had given him

1. A Time

2. A Place

3. A Responsibility

2. To every one God has given such, it is not the same time, same place, or same responsibility. But God has given such to each of us.

Rewards will be for faithfulness more than results.

B. David went on in spite of resistance

1. He met much along the way

a. Jebusites

b. Philistines

2. Didn’t quit when Goliath to face (big enemy)

3. When there was an Eliab mocking. ( His brother, family)

4. He did not quit when Saul threatened him

Many have ceased from going on, and none with such resistance is before them.

C. David went on determined to do Righteousness

1. Bible not say David perfect

Man after God’s own heart.

He sought the leading of God in public life, as well as private.

2. Example – David went down and brought up the Ark of God to Jerusalem.

2 Samuel 6:11

And the ark of the LORD continued in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months: and the LORD blessed Obed-edom, and all his household. KJV

2 Sam. 6:16

And as the Ark of the Lord came into the City of David, Michal, Saul’s daughter looked through a window, and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord and she despised him in her heart.

He was engaging in ritual ceremonies.

Sometimes what we do for the Lord seems stupid or embarrassing to some, but if we are doing it for Jesus, that’s all that matters.

This is just a good example of modernistic people of today. No amens, no praise the Lord, too showy, etc.

3. Another example – when David started giving of his riches to God – 1 Chronicles 29. He donated over one hundred million dollars to God’s work.

No doubt many said “Why do you do that?”


And Grew Great v. 10

Started out as a Shepherd Boy, then Musician to the King, then King himself.

A. David Became Great

1. In His Kingly Office

2. And Honors – other nations gave him tribute

3. And Victories

4. And Also in the Eyes of His Foes – They respected Him

B. Many throw away splendid opportunities of becoming great, at least greater by far than they are.

The Idler The Spend Thrift

The Drunkard The Dishonest

For some, the only greatness they’ll ever achieve is becoming a great fool for their insincerity.

C. I believe we can become great in many ways:

1. Becoming a great prayer warrior

2. Becoming a great servant of the Lord

3. Becoming a great soul witness

4. Becoming a great supporter of the church

5. Becoming a great standard bearer.

D. Remember, if we can not rise on wings of righteousness, let’s be content to keep on the ground.

E. Every person here can become great:

In Faith In Love

In Dedication In Purity



And the Lord of Hosts was with him. V. 10

A. It doesn’t say one word about his cabinet members being with him, though I’m sure they were.

It says nothing about his family being with him, though I’m sure they were.

It says nothing about his subjects being with him, I’m sure they were, but it says:

The Lord of Hosts Was With Him.

B. The only way for a man, family, or church to prosper is to secure the presence of the Lord.

C. Young people, just starting, cry unto the Lord. Young parents, erect an altar in your homes, cry unto God young Christian.

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