Anchoring Your Family For Christ
Contributed by Scott Hippler on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Do you desire to be the man, the husband, the father father of integrity that God desires for you to be?
Father’s Day June 18, 2000
Smith’s Grove Baptist Church
Happy Fathers Day!
Bill Cosby wrote a book called Fatherhood and in it he reacalls two humerous
Father milking cows
5 kids $20 each
Dennis Rodman and Howard Stern have a lot in common.
They are both famous
They are both rich
They are both extremely profane
They are both rebellious and have no respect for authority
They are both rude
Unfortunately they are both national role models
They both appear in public dressed in women’s clothes
So, what is the explanation for these two adolescents trapped in bodies of
men? The explanation for both is their father.
Now before I go any further, let us push the pause button and allow me if you
will to put a disclaimer in here.
“I do not agree with the current waive in society of blaming everything
from our actions, to poor judgment, bad decision making and our
unwillingness to respect and adhere to the authority that God has placed over
us on the way we were raised and/or on our father or mother. To be truthful
with you I am growing increasingly weary of the peoples of our nation and
our inability to accept responsibility for our actions. Parenting does play a
key role in the way we view the world and the happenings around us, as with
Rodman and Stern, however we have a God in heaven who can and does
make a differance.
OK now go ahead and push play and let us continue.
Dennis Rodman has not seen his father for over 30 years. Philander Rodman
moved to the Philippines when Dennis was a young boy and currently has
two wives. By these two wives he has fathered some 15 children, giving him
27 in all, and when asked by a Newsweek reporter was quoted as saying that
he was shooting for thirty. This kind of helps explain Dennis Rodman
doesn’t it?! But what about Howard Stern.
In a recent Rolling Stone magazine article Howard said, “I will never have a
lot of self-esteem. I don’t feel very good about myself. I still have an
inferiority complex. I can only remember my father saying that I was a piece
of XXXXX. Even though my mother said that I was a great little boy and
that she loved me, I can only remember my father tellling me that I was a
piece of XXXX.
Is it any wonder why Stern talks to millions of people every day on the radio
like that. An you know I doubt that the problem started with Howards father.
Howards father probably grew up hearing the same sorts of things. And his
father the same. This problem has been growing and going on for generations
in the Stern family, I would be willing to guess.
And what about Philander Rodman? I would guess that his father was
unfaithful and was not around when Philander was young.
Proverbs 20: 7 gets to the heart of the matter here, “The righteous man
walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him”
Fathers with integrity don‘t label their children with profane names. And they
don’t walk out on one wife and family to marry two more.
Rodman and Stern have a lot of money and a lot of fame, but they are not
blessed men. And the reason that they are not blessed according to Proverbs
is that they had very deficient fathers.
Rodman and Stern are to be pitied. And the reason is that they both come
from families that are drifting. What is a drifting family? A drifting family
is a family without an anchor. When the father leaves or when he continually
degrades his children or his wife, the family begins to drift. And when a
family begins to drift, it can quickly begin to produce children who are
insecure, self-conscious, emotionally starved and without a moral compass.
1. ANCHORS keep the family from drifting.
You see anchors are important. Fathers, husbands, men we are to be the
anchor for our family. Here today, you can choose to make a mid-course
change of direction, I can choose to make a mid-course change of direction
and begin maybe for the first time to be that anchor that our wives desire, the
anchor that our children crave and to be the anchor that our Lord, Jesus the
Christ in Heaven expects for us to be..
Anchors are important. They put them on ships for a reason. the USS
Dwight D. Eisenhower is one of the largest ships in the world. This gigantic
aircraft carrier is, from keel to mast the size of a 22 story building. It has a
flight deck encompassing over 4 1/2 acres. It weighs over 95,000 tons and
carries 6000 sailors who are served 18,000 meals per day. This is truly a