
Summary: Jesus is our anchor of Hope in all storms and all of life. We must keep our eyes on Jesus

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Anchor of Hope

Hebrews chapter 6:13-20

Good Morning everyone

What are you putting your hope in?

What or who do you trust with your eternal and everlasting things?

When this old world is done and you stand before the Lord of the universe- what will you be placing your hope in?

Now more than ever, we need to answer that question for ourselves-

Would you bow your head in prayer?

Prayer- Fill us with all hope and keep our eyes on Jesus!

Work your way to Hebrews chapter 6

Today is a great day to be alive!

I believe we are living in a time where we have the pleasure and responsibility of seeing the Lord doing new things and He is shaking up the same old same old!

I see the Lord pulling the label off of products saying new and improved and exposing them for what they are as the same thing with a new label.

Bible book of Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon says- “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.”

Do you believe that this morning? That God! The creator of the universe has not given over the reigns of your life or my life to any unknown situations that would cause him to sit up in heaven and go now what I am I going to do?

Every time God’s people and God’s church has been put in a spot of discouragement, the Lord has told us to put our trust and hope in Him!

Every time God’s people and God’s church has been put in a dark spot which they cannot see the light of God working, He has told them to fix their eyes on Jesus! The author and finisher of their faith!

“Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

“Consider him (Jesus) who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

Some of you this morning may be thinking I am talking about the election, about Covid-19!

My God is bigger than any of those situations!

I serve a big God! And I want my God to be God over all the things that hinder and keep us from seeing how big a God that I am serving.

He calls his people to persevere and have confidence in the finished work of Jesus Christ!

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

What day Church?

The return of Jesus Christ! This is not the end of the story and this is not a time for the church to lose its hope in Jesus!

Illustration (SermonCentral)

One day a young mother was feeling down and hopeless and she heard the phone ring and said hello. Honey its mom, I called because I know that you are overwhelmed with three children, and I want to give you some help. I’m going to stop by to clean the house, take care of the baby, and prepare dinner for when the boys get home from school. I want you to be ready to go to my beautician, I paid her already, and she is going to give you the works, your appointment is at 1:00. Give George a call and tell him you will meet him at the Cheesecake factory for dinner, my treat… the young mother interrupted and asked… who is George? Your husband silly. Is this 555-3212? No, this is 555-2212! I’m sorry, I have called the wrong number.! After a long pause, the young mother asked… Does this mean that you are not coming to help me?

We have certainly all been there haven’t we?

All of us get discouraged and all of us need our hope boosted and put back in place - now more than ever, we need to be sensitive to the words of encouragement that the Lord intends for his people to be holding unto. Amen!

Hebrew 6:13-20 Read from Bible

The world does not seem to be offering us much in the way of hope.

With all that is going on there are a lot of people feel discouraged instead of encouraged.

There are a lot of people that struggle to find hope because they are buried in hurts, habits, and turmoil.

They blame politics- the mentality of them verses us.

The truth is they have accepted hopelessness and helplessness as a way of life.

Author Dorothy Sayers says that this growing sense of despair that has been creeping into our psyche, she writes “In the world it is called tolerance but in hell it is called despair.”

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