
Summary: Learning to make a firm stand for what we believe.

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There are many questions that need to be addressed when a church begins to grow. How committed are the new people? How receptive are our older members to the changes that are taking place? Do our people really know what they believe? How do we best utilize everyone’s gifts? How can we properly shepherd the increasing number of people? These questions are important to anyone who takes the church seriously. Paul had started a church on the island of Crete. The church was growing and Titus had the task of overseeing it. Paul gave Titus some careful instructions how to set things in order; in a growing church. The book of Titus can give us a good view of what God wants for His church. In his opening remarks, Paul speaks of the importance of making a firm stand for the truth. Paul’s first words to Titus urge a solid commitment to the knowledge of the truth that comes from God, who does not lie. The church’s task is to sow the seed of the Gospel, water it and rejoice in whatever increase God may give. The greatest temptation the church has to overcome is that watering down the message to accommodate its culture. Today we want to see how to overcome that temptation and maintain an unshakeable stand for the truth.

I. Jesus is the source and standard of truth.

A. Our country right now is divided over all kinds of moral issues.

1. Due to our inability to determine clearly right and wrong, these moral issues have us confused.

2. The world’s philosophy is; “If it feels good it’s right, if it feels bad then it probably is wrong.”

3. Then who should set the standard, who should be allowed to make these decisions?

a. Leave it up to the government?

b. Do it by majority opinion?

4. “There is a way that seems right to a man; but in the end it leads to death.” (Proverbs 14:12)

5. Since there is no recognized standard of morality in our society, our culture is very confused.

B. Being a Christian means that you have a definite source of truth that does not change.

1. It’s not a feeling or a majority opinion, but it’s Jesus Christ.

2. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6)

3. Jesus testified to the truth, and if you stand for the truth you follow Him.

C. Jesus told the truth about God.

1. Evolutionists say that we are here by accident.

2. Jesus said that God created them male and female in the beginning.

3. The truth is that you are here because of a creator.

D. Jesus told us the truth about man.

1. The humanists say that man is getting better and better.

2. Man will eventually solve his own problems thus saving himself.

3. Jesus said, “Unless you repent, you too will all perish.” (Luke 3:13)

4. Everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

E. Jesus told the truth about Himself.

1. Anyone will admit that Jesus was a great teacher.

2. Jesus said that He was God in the flesh.

3. Jesus said that if you have seen Him, then you have seen the Father.

F. Jesus told us the truth about the Bible.

1. Liberals make fun of the Bible saying that it is a book full of mythology and contradictions”

2. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (Matthew 24:35)

G. Jesus told the truth about judgment.

1. Universalists insist that it doesn’t matter what you believe, we will all be saved eventually.

2. Jesus said, those who have done good will rise to live, those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.

H. Jesus didn’t just claim to be the truth; He proved it by coming back from the grave.

1. When Jesus came back to life, it supported His claims; it proved his deity.

2. The distinctive feature of Christianity is that our leaders tomb is empty.

II. The connection between truth and a meaningful life.

A. The truth gives you purpose in life.

1. The most frequently asked question of new graduates during a job interview is; “What goal have you set for yourself, and how do you plan to reach it?”

2. Many people can’t answer that but Paul could; “His goal was to be a representative of Jesus Christ, and he was going to achieve that by being the Lord’s Servant.

3. Once you commit your self to the truth, you have distinct purpose.

B. God’s Truth enhances our character.

1. The knowledge of the truth leads to godliness.

2. When we apply the truth to our lives, it leads to improved character, self-discipline, integrity and order.

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