
Summary: When a door is opened what lies behind the door is revealed. John saw an opened door. What was behind that door?

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An Opened Door…..of Hope and Promise

"Behold, a door ... opened in heaven" Revelation 4:1

An open door…

You may not have thought about it much but you have been walking through doors most all of your life

They have been all sizes, all weights, all colors.

In John 10:9 Jesus describes himself as the door. "By me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture" Any other attempt would be theft.

There are 2 doors in this sanctuary and 13 doors in this building

When a door is opened ….what is behind the door is revealed

Behind your front door your family is revealed…there are doors in your home

Each door opened door reveals another unknown

1. John said he saw a door….A door opened in heaven…I like that

John is certain that heaven isn't a condition like some teach today…….heaven is a real place.

"A door ... opened in heaven." If it opened for John, it must have opened for my sister Candance.

It must have opened for every precious loved one who has gone by way of the grave

And I am certain….yes I am positive it will open for me should I too go by way of the grave!

It must be an awesome moment for a human being to enter heaven.

It was for John. "Come up hither, and I will show thee things ... And immediately I was in the Spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne" (Revelation 4:1, 2).

This must be our first experience when the "door" opens. I will be invited in to see Jesus!.

2 Cor 5:8 says "We are confident, YES WELL PLEASED, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord

The text says "a door."….a door opened….a door that reveals things not seen before

2. Jesus opened "a door" while ministering to His disciples.

He told us that in heaven there are "many mansions."

There will be room for everyone. Heaven is not a crowded ghetto. There are no slums in heaven

No tiny apartment projects that are falling apart. No restricted areas….no rich class or poor class…..only mansions

3. Peter, too, was permitted to look through an opened door on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Peter saw two residents of another world.

He listened to an intelligent conversation.

Peter saw unbelievable beauty. …. He was overwhelmed by it.

There was a brilliance unmatched by any thing Peter had seen on this earth

Peter said Lord it is good for us to be here ….let us make three tabernacles

He was to learn that where Moses and Elijah dwelt; there were many mansions" and not "tabernacles."

The housing God has prepared makes earth's best look cheap.

A "mansion" goes along with your salvation…..

The moment you decide to follow Jesus….the moment you repent of your sin and trust in the atonement Jesus made for your sin to save your wretched soul …you become a born-again believer…..and a special place is prepared for you.

There's nothing for a sinner in hell. …. And no sinner ever claimed a palace.

A sinner works his or her way from the best of homes, families, and marriages to bars, alleys, jails, filth. ………….only closed doors…………No door opens.

A sinner tumbles into a long and hideous death and in the end an eternal blackout. But to those who know Jesus as Lord and Savor have an open door in heaven!

4. Through the open door in heaven we learn heaven has solved the problem of decay.

……… My bible says it is “eternal life”.

There is freedom from pollution and corruption.

Paul got a glimpse and said "We shall. .. be changed,. .. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality" (I Corinthians 15:51, 54).

Our "mansions" shall be forever new…. There will be no aging. …no painting….no fixing rotten facial boards…

5. Through this door ….. I learn there will be blessed reunions.

I have read about many great men and woman of the faith …….

But there is coming a day soon when I will meet them…and I will know them

"Then shall I know even as also I am known" (I Corinthians 13:12).

I’ll meet Charles Spurgeon,….Charles Finney,…..the Wesley brothers…..Billy Sunday

I'll meet G. Cambel Morgan, and Dwight L. Moody…R.A. Torrey and Jonathan Edwards

I’ll meet Adrian Rodgers…..and Jerry Fallwell…I meet my mom & dad in the Lord Stanley and Bernice Anderson….

I'll meet great woman of the faith like Fanney Crosby and Susanna Westley

Ill talk with king David and the prophets……I’ll introduce myself to the apostles and all the disciples

I'll meet men and woman from around the world that suffered and died for Jesus…Martyrs of every age………………..And ill meet beloved family members that went on before me

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