An Issue For Christ
Contributed by Craige Lebreton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Christ resolves the issues that seperate you from the Father.
An Issue for Christ
(Pastor Craige LeBreton)
Text: Luke 8:40-48
Introduction: This is Luke’s third great miracle story. In this section of his gospel is the raising of Jairus’ daughter,
into this story is woven the healing of the woman with the hemorrhage.
This miracle is often overlooked in the Bible.
It is important to understand that every aspect of Jesus’ ministry holds a valuable lesson for us all. These lessons were intended for his disciples and are as relevant to you and I today as they were to His disciples, during His physical ministry on earth.
Unlike Mark, Luke fails to mention that the woman, whom had the blood problem, had exhausted her resources in the pursuit of a cure.
This woman had an issue of blood. When Luke states that she had a ‘issue of blood’ he means that her blood was ‘flowing’ her cycle was irregular and a constant problem.
The woman was considered unclean; the people would have avoided her. She was likely unloved, and untouched, and lonely. This woman had many Issues. Jesus Christ addressed this woman’s issue and he can resolve the issues that separate you from the father if you will only reach out to touch Him.
I. The issue of faith in Christ
a. This woman knew of Jesus but did not know Him as Lord and Savior before she went to Him.
1. John 3:16
2. We must have this 3:16 principal foundation before we can expect God to do anything further in our life.
b. Jesus cleansed her physically so he could cleanse her spiritually
c. Verse 48 says, “Thy faith has made thee whole.” This implies a total transformation.
1. Physical…she was healed.
2. Spiritual…she believed and was saved.
d. Jesus stopped to address this woman’s issue.
1. The woman had faith
2. Without faith there is no salvation.
II. The issue of seeking Christ.
a. The woman sought out Jesus in the crowd.
b. She sought to touch His Garment.
1. This is a reference to Jewish Law and custom, looking upon the fringe or tassel that hung from the back of the robe between the shoulder blades was a reminder of the commandments given by God.
2. People will often try to come to Christ through means other than repentance and faith. ie..False religion and works.
c. This woman was alone in the world yet Christ knew her plight.
d. No matter how alone we may feel we are not alone.
e. If you seek out Christ, he will find you.
III. The Issue of Christ’s power.
a. a. When the woman touched Christ, virtue left him.
1. In this case virtue would have better been translated power from the Greek word “Dunamis” (Vines pg.1202)
2. Christ felt power leaving Him as she touched His garment.
b. Christ’s power has no limits.
c. Christ knew that he had been touched and by whom.
d. The disciples failed to see Christ’s power.
1. Those whom are weak in the faith do not recognize Christ’s power.
2. Christ’s power is revealed through the Word of God.
3. Like the woman whom was healed we cannot hide from the power of Christ.
1. We will all face His judgment.
2. Some of you will be of ‘good comfort’
3. Some of you will face eternal damnation.
Conclusion: If you have unresolved issues, if you are lost and you are not finding the answers to your issues by means of the world. Jesus Christ knows who you are in the crowd. Christ has the ability to resolve your issues, whatever they may be. I encourage you to examine your faith, seek out Jesus Christ through repentance and faith in Him and experience His power.