An Eruption At Any Moment
Contributed by Ian Johnson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There is nothing stable about sitting in the presence of God, because at any moment the quiet solitude of meditation on His glory can easily erupt into a volcanic explosion of praise, as the reality of who He really is hits us like a high voltage wire and
An Eruption at any moment
Ian Johnson – ianjohn@xtra.co.nz
There is nothing stable about sitting in the presence of God, because at any moment the quiet solitude of meditation on His glory can easily erupt into a volcanic explosion of praise, as the reality of who He really is hits us like a high voltage wire and heaven invades.
In Acts Chapter 2 a group of 120 were waiting, waiting for what? They weren’t sure Jesus had just said wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit. What did that look like? They didn’t know because none of them had ever seen Him. So in the midst of their waiting and meditating on the goodness that was demonstrated in the life of Jesus, they were hit by a Power stronger than the entire universe. They were hit by Light & love and power & might, Glory & strength & majesty. Their quiet meditation turned into a high voltage event that turned the world upside down.
It has been said that Christians would be better advised to take crash helmets & seat belts to their gatherings rather than bibles & pens, At present we currently don’t go beyond a shout or perhaps a dance or clapping hands. But one day soon the volcano of His glorious presence is going to blow wide open our appearance of dignity. Heavens population goes from one spontaneous eruption of praise to another in a never ending roll of the revelation of who God is. The veil between heaven and earth is only established by our idea that explosive worship is a sort of Holy foolishness..
Our soul seeks experience but our spirit experiences, our soul can lead us into the experience but it can’t experience the fullness of heavens glory. For example our souls rise and even soar on the sounds of a majestic orchestra, but our souls won’t comprehend the sounds of heaven and earth colliding. Our soul can lead us to this place but then it must bow to our spirit who knows how to live in this realm. The truth is when our bodies of flesh and our soulish desires experience the voltage of His glory the veil created by our inhibitions will tear and the sound of heaven and earth will collide and unless we have learnt to yield to our spirit we run back into our flesh and hide from explosive encounters like this.
In 1922 Smith Wigglesworth declared in his sermon in the Wellington town hall “Step out of your soul and into your spirit” In the explosions that followed this declaration nearly 2000 souls were saved over a two week period. There was nothing reflective or meditative about Wigglesworths meetings when they got going, in fact he was totally confrontational and the veil got torn daily. But leading up to the meetings Wigglesworth spent long hours in reflective prayer and worship, a fact recorded in the little book Wiggleworth down under by H.V. Roberts. The eruptions of glory in these little Wigglesworth prayer meetings as he transitioned from flesh to soul then into his spirit caused all ministers who came to join him in prayer to flee the building because of the intense glory.
God is calling His sons & daughters to make the transition from your soul and into your spirit. We have learnt how to stimulate our soul very well in this era, but now the Holy Spirit is calling you forth to experience living in the realm of your spirit.
Like the 120 in the upper room we don’t really know what the outcome of our seeking will be. But we must listen again to the cry of Wigglesworth “Step out of your soul and into your spirit” Heaven invading in a glorious symphony of sounds and a display of signs that make you wonder will be the fruit of our endeavor