
Summary: July 4th message as we look at the freedom we have because men and women paid the ultimate sacrifice. The Spiritual freedom we have to worship and have a relationship with the Lord becasue of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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America's Only Hope

2 Chronicles 7:14

Today July 4th ... Independence Day! We celebrate the 245th birthday of our nation.

Turn to the Old Testament book of 2 Chronicles chapter 7.



Years ago one of our American submarines sank off the eastern coast. Divers attempted to rescue them and when they went down, they could hear the survivors tapping on the side of that submarine in Morse Code. They were tapping a question: ''Is there any hope? Is there any hope?'' And that same question is being asked today across America: ''Is there any hope?''

I believe there is and that hope rest entirely on Jesus Christ… and what we do with Jesus as a nation and as believers.

We forget that this nation was founded on Christian beliefs and we forget that we had to break away from the world power of Great Britain and that God was with them as they set out to break free as a new nation and as a people who wanted to freely worship God.

I want to show you from God's Word that there is hope for America!

Regardless of what's being written and taught today ... We are the only nation on earth built upon the Christian faith! I know we have a long way to go with justice and some changes, but there are some things that cannot change if we want to continue to see God bless and keep this nation safe under God.

President George Washington said, ''It would be impossible to govern rightly without God and the Bible.''

President John Adams said, ''It would be impossible to govern without God and the Ten Commandments.''

The Pilgrim Charter of 1620 states that its purpose was ''to advance the enlargement of the Christian religion to the glory of God Almighty.'' Before the Pilgrims arrived on our shores they gathered below the deck of the Mayflower and signed the Mayflower Compact which revealed their intent: ''for the glory of God.”

Andrew Jackson ...The 7th President said, ''The Bible is the rock upon which our Republic rest.''


It is impossible to live godly without governing by the laws of God that are found in the Bible.

It is impossible to see God blessing when He is not allowed to govern, when His Word and His commandments are not lived out in our lives.

The Pilgrims left Great Britain and journeyed here to see God do great things and for us to do great things for God.

The odds of that happening without God would be impossible.

It was the story of David and Goliath all over again. It took supernatural intervention for what is now America to experience freedom.

The last sentence of the Declaration of Independence signed 245years ago today says,

''For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance upon the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.'' Eight days after signing the Declaration of Independence ... printed on the side of the Liberty Bell was a quote from Leviticus 25.10, ''Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.''

Listen to part of the fourth verse of the ''Star Spangled Banner'' ... our National anthem that Congress adopted in 1931, ''Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation, then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our motto, in God is our trust.''

It is a prayer of praise to almighty God!

If you're going to take prayer out of school, you have to remove our national anthem because it is a prayer to God!

God has blessed America because she was founded upon the promises and principles of the Word of God!

Don't let a group far from God tell you that America did not have a spiritual beginning!

America was born out of a revival! Patrick Henry, a patriot of our country said, ''It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

'' No wonder God has so richly blessed America.

The text this morning is Solomon’s building and dedication of the Temple to God Almighty! Chapter 7 verse one says that when Solomon finished praying fire came down and consumed the burnt offering and the glory of God filled the Temple! (Get your praise on!)

The Israelites seeing the power of God manifested fell on their knees and worshiped and gave thanks to the Lord.

I think there should be more praising and less complaining and we would see the glory of God working in our lives.

King Solomon offered one giant sacrifice of 22,000 cattle and 150,000 sheep and goats up to Yahweh.

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