
Summary: This is an invitation to Christ, putting aside our human reasoning and misconceptions that we are Christians by our actions, and putting it to the Truth, that only admitting our sins, asking forgiveness, and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ can save us.

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1 John 1:9

I’m going to ask you to do something here in a moment. So get ready.

I hear about being saved, what does it mean?

How do I know I have a personal relationship with the Lord?

Why should I ?

What does it benefit me?

I am not saved because my Dad was a preacher. I’m not saved because my Dad prayed for me.

I am not saved because I stand before you and preach.

I’m not saved because I was born in America, or say I’m a Christian.

I am not saved because I go to church, or sung in a choir, or attend Bible Study.

I am not saved by doing good things for others.

I am not saved because I volunteer at the Billy Graham phone center

I am not saved because I think/know there is a God

I am not saved because I am a nice person, or I help others, or I haven’t killed anyone or hurt anyone.

I am not saved because I think there is a heaven

I am not saved because I think God loves me

I am not saved because there is nothing I could do of myself that would save me.

God loves me and wants me to have life with Him, after this life. God doesn’t want me to perish, He created me. How could a Creator who loves me want me to not be with Him.

He loves me so much that He made a way for me to be saved.

God loves me so much that He created an out.

God loves me so much that he sent his son in the Flesh to live here to show us how to live.

God loves me so much that he sent his son to live here and to carry my sin, my hatred, sickness, temptations, lusts, bad and evil desires with him…to the cross.

God loves me so much that he sent his son to suffer for my sin

God loves me so much that he sent his son to shed his blood for my sin

God loves me so much that he sent his son to die for my sin

God loves me so much that he sent Jesus the Christ, the very Lamb of God in the Flesh, to be the final living sacrifice for our sins, once and for all.

I am not saved by any other means than this…

I had to realize that I was a sinner.

I had to realize that I needed a savior.

I realized that I could not do it on my own. I went to God, I prayed, I asked Him to forgive me. I accepted Jesus, to be my personal Lord and Savior. I asked Jesus to come into my heart, to come into my soul, to come into my spirit, to save me, to forgive me, to cleanse me, to make me whole in the sight of the Lord God Almighty.

I asked Jesus into my heart…That I might be SAVED.

I asked Jesus to make me right with God.

I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins, so I could spend eternity with Him, rather than in Hell.

I asked Jesus into my life.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only son, that I might have life beyond this place and time.

I believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

Through Him I have eternal Life.

All through what we call Biblical times, people had to sacrifice a lamb for their salvation. Again, and again, and again.

God sent Jesus and changed all that. Jesus was the lamb that was slain on a cross for the once and for all last time.

His Blood is the covenant of our eternal life

His Blood is the covenant of our fellowship with our creator

Accepting his Blood upon us is accepting God’s plan of salvation.

This is the only way.

Jesus said, I am the Way, the truth and the life, no one comes unto the Father except by me.

In order to be saved, We must accept this Gift of God.

In order to be saved, We must accept Jesus

In order to be saved, we need to ask Jesus into our heart, into our life

In order to be saved, we must repent of our sins, be sorry for them, and have the desire to walk and live in the way that God wants for us to live.

In being saved, we must fellowship with God, in prayer and by reading His word.

In being saved, we must live for God, trust in God, worship God, be faithful to God

You’ve all heard the question, If you were to die tonight would you be in heaven.

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