God is still speaking to us today, and we can hear His voice through various means such as creation, our conscience, circumstances, Jesus, the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and the Church.
Ever tried tuning into a radio station and all you get is static? But when you finally hit the right frequency, the music comes in loud and clear. That's kind of like how it is with God. He's always broadcasting, but we need to tune into His frequency to hear Him.
Let's check out a dude from the Bible who had a pretty wild experience with God's frequency - Moses.
He's always broadcasting, but we need to tune into His frequency to hear Him.
Moses was just doing his thing, looking after some sheep, when he stumbled upon a bush that was on fire but wasn't burning up. Weird, right? But it gets weirder. God started talking to him from the bush.
First, check out the world around you. The beauty of nature, the stars at night, the waves at the beach - they all shout out that God is real and He's trying to get your attention.
Second, that little voice inside you that tells you right from wrong? That's God speaking to your conscience.
Third, God can use what's happening in your life to speak to you. Whether it's a tough situation at school or a conversation with a friend, God can use anything to get His message across.
Fourth, Jesus is like God's ultimate radio broadcast. When we read what Jesus said and did in the Bible, we're hearing straight from God.
Fifth, the Bible is like God's playlist. It's full of His words and wisdom, and it's always relevant.
Sixth, the Holy Spirit is like God's DJ, spinning the tracks and helping us understand what God's saying.
Lastly, God speaks through His Church. When we hang out with other believers, we can hear God's voice in their words and actions.
But sometimes, we can't hear God because we're tuned into the wrong station. Sin, selfishness, and impatience can mess up our reception. We need to confess our sins, stop being so self-focused, and chill out while we wait for God to speak.
Moses had to wait 40 years in the desert before he heard God's voice from the burning bush. But when he did, it changed his life. If you're feeling like God's gone silent, don't stress. Keep seeking Him, reading His word, and doing what He says. He'll speak to you when the time is right.
God, help us to tune into Your frequency. Help us to hear Your voice, follow Your guidance, and wait patiently for You. Speak to us, God. We're listening. In Jesus' name, amen.
1. How do you usually hear from God?
2. What makes it difficult for you to hear God's voice?
3. How can you make more space in your life to listen to God?
4. What is one way you feel God has spoken to you recently?
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