Almost Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 4, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 189th sermon in the series "Action".
Series: Action [#189]
Acts 26:1-32
I was reading about a Hall of Fame baseball player who played from 1955-1975; and became the 1st Black Major League Manager. Frank Robinson is credited with 1st saying the famous phrase, “Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades”. He said this to a reporter when asked how he felt after losing a game 12-11. His point was that even after a great comeback attempt, they still lost by 1 run, which was still a loss. Have you ever almost done anything? Almost told someone how you feel? Almost went on a diet? Almost made a decision of some kind?
In our text this morning, Paul gives his testimony as he is defending himself. This passage is a reminder that no one can take away your testimony. Your testimony is yours and yours alone.
Acts 26:1-3
Do not miss out on your opportunity to…
1. Speak for yourself.
Don’t you love how people like to speak on your behalf? They tell people all sorts of things about you and often times, it is not true. There are times when you need to be quiet; but there are times when God gives you the opportunity to speak and you must. Paul was given permission to speak. Although King Agrippa said he had permission, the permission was from God. God gives each of us opportunity to speak and you must take it.
Do not miss out on your opportunity to…
2. Give your testimony.
Your testimony is your story about how God has worked in your life. Your testimony is unique, and no one can take that away from you. I remember a song that was sang at Revival Services- “It was on a Monday, somebody touched me”; and everyone that was saved on a Monday jumped up. We sang the verse for every day of the week; and the verse ended with, “It must have been the hand of the Lord”.
Paul’s testimony gives us an outline for a testimony.
Acts 26:4-11
Your testimony is about…
* Who you were before Christ changed you.
Paul shared with them that he was raised in the Jewish religion and when he was old enough to decide, he became a Pharisee. Paul was out to destroy Christians and the name of Jesus. Paul was working overtime to have Christians arrested, destroyed, deny Jesus, and even killed.
Who were you before you were saved? The answer to that question is different for each of us. I was saved at an early age. How many terrible things could a 7 year old have done? Maybe, I had not done terrible things; but I was still a sinner in need of salvation.
Acts 26:12-18
Your testimony is about…
* When the Holy Spirit convicted you of your sins.
Paul tells them about Jesus blinding him on the road and asking him why he was persecuting followers of Jesus. Every person will be convicted of their sinfulness and need for a Savior at least once. Not only did Jesus ask him this question; but also shared with him the ministry that he was being given.
Do you remember the moment or moments when God convicted you of your sinfulness? You may have not responded to Him at first; but hopefully you have surrendered to Him.
Acts 26:19-23
Your testimony is about…
* Who you are in Christ.
Just like Paul, once you were saved you should have changed. Paul had suffered many times for the sake of Jesus. Paul preached Jesus Christ crucified and raised from the dead every chance he got; and you should do the same.
Acts 26:24-32
Do not miss out on your opportunity to…
3. Share Jesus with others.
Festus stops Paul and lets him know that he has lost his mind. To Festus, this talk of a resurrected Jesus talking to Paul on the road in order to change him was crazy. If you think about it- When you tell others about a Jesus who has been gone from this Earth for over 2,000 years Who arose from the dead and that you follow Him every day; it probably sounds a little crazy to them also.
Paul turns this back to King Agrippa and says that he knows that King Agrippa believes the Prophets. King Agrippa then asks Paul if he believes that he would trust in Jesus that quickly; and Paul reacted by saying that he desired that every person there experience the saving power of Jesus.
Christians, we must share Jesus with others each time we have an opportunity to. Tell people where you were and how Jesus has changed you through His power. This is not the time to be shy about your faith.
Verse 28 is one of the saddest verses in the Bible. King Agrippa was almost persuaded to follow Jesus. Being almost persuaded to follow Christ will not get you into Heaven. Do you know Christ as Savior today?