
Summary: The worst criticism against you can bring out the best in you. Eighteen guidelines for allowing the Lord to heal your hurt.

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Allow the Lord to Heal Your Hurt (2 Cor 1:1-8)

Compassion - Comes from two words (With and pain) He shares our pain.

Song:Frank Graeff, went through a time of terrible physical pain, despondency and difficulty until he turned to I Pet. 5:7 that says, "Casting all your care upon HIm for cares for you." He then wrote this inspiration song.

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained

Too deeply for mirth or song,

As the burdens press, and the cares distress

And the way grows weary and long?


Oh yes, He cares, I know He cares,

His heart is touched with my grief;

When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,

I know my Savior cares.

Does Jesus care when my way is dark

With a nameless dread and fear?

As the daylight fades into deep night shades,

Does He care enough to be near?


Does Jesus care when I’ve tried and failed

To resist some temptation strong;

When for my deep grief there is no relief,

Though my tears flow all the night long?


Does Jesus care when I’ve said “goodbye”

To the dearest on earth to me,

And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks,

Is it aught to Him? Does He see?

Illustration: I haven’t always appreciated every member of the churches I pastored. Early in my ministry one man berated me in front of a group of people for my deep and dull sermons. A week later a deacon said my sermons were interesting but too simple--like little Sunday school lessons.

At the time I didn’t thank God for those cantankerous people. Nor did I thank the Lord for the person who disheartened our new assistant organist by placing an anonymous note on the organ criticizing her makeup.

I have learned, though, that I can appreciate and even show love to people who irritate me.

As I read the words of the apostle Paul in his letters to the Corinthians, I find him expressing both deep hurt and powerful love. He received unjust criticism from several people in Corinth (2 Cor. 10:10), yet he continued to minister to them. He knew that difficult people, like difficult situations, teach us to rely on the Lord and to allow Him to show His power at work in our lives (12:9-10).

Over the years, the Lord has helped me to show love to those who have irritated me. Many have become my friends. Dealing with difficult people will never be easy for us, but through the Spirit’s power we can do it. Herb Vanderlught (Our Daily Bread)

The worst criticism against you

can bring out the best in you.

The following are some suggested responses to hurt:

1. Let the Lord take away the pain of your hurt. Paul writes, "Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows." (2 Cor. 1 :4,5)

2. Believe that the Lord will use the hurt for some greater good. Paul writes, "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes. (Rom. 8:28)

3. Thank God for the ways that He will use the affliction for building Godly character in you. James writes,"Consider it pure joy when you encounter trials of many kinds knowing that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Let endurance have its perfect work that you may be complete lacking in nothing. (James 1:2,3)

4. Follow the example of great men like the apostle Paul who turned hurt to his advantage. Paul writes, "As sorrowful yet always rejoicing, as beaten down and yet not killed, as being poor yet making many rich; having nothing and yet possessing all things. (2 Cor. 6:5-10)

5. Draw nearer to God in prayer through times of hurt. David writes, "O Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me, or they will tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me. (Psa. 7: 1,2) O Lord, see how my enemies persecute me! Have mercy and lift me up from the gates of death. (Psa. 9: 13) Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. (Psa. 16: 1)

6. Ask the Lord to fight your battles and it will relieve your stress. David writes, "Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me." (Psa. 35: 1)

7. Ask the Lord for a special portion of His mercy, love and protection. David writes, "Do not withhold your mercy from me, O Lord; may your love and your truth always protect me. For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me and I cannot see, They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me. Be please, O Lord, to save me; O Lord, come quickly to help me. May all who seek to take my life be put to shame and confusion. (Psa. 40;11-13) Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. (Psa. 120:2)

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