
Summary: Theme: "The Antidote For Anxiety"

I. Remove The Anxiety With Prayer (v. 6)

A. The Opponent Of Prayer (v. 6a)

B. The Offering Of Prayer (v. 6b)

1. Give God The Little Things

2. Give God The Large Things

C. The Order Of Prayer (v. 6c-6e)

1. Adoration (v. 6c)

2. Asking (v. 6d)

3. Appreciation (v. 6e)

D. The Overseer Of Prayer (v. 6f)

II. Replace The Anxiety With Peace (v. 7)

A. Witness The Person Of Peace (v. 7a)

B. Witness The Presence Of Peace (v. 7b)

C. Witness The Perplexity Of Peace (v. 7c)

D. Witness The Protection Of Peace (v. 7d-7e)

1. It Will Guard What Fills Your Heart (v. 7d)

2. It Will Guard What Fills Your Head (v. 7e)

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E L Zacharias

commented on Aug 7, 2019

The title is a good idea: build on it. Stress comes when we feel that we are exerting much but going nowhere--or that all our efforts were in vain. All stressed up and no place to go. Except we go to God who gives our life meaning. Hear what Jesus says about peace: he who asks us to bring him all our cares. Sin stresses us out, as we feel alienated from God. But Jesus came to make us children of God. God dresses us in the righteousness of Christ. Jesus IS the presence of peace. Stressed up--where do you go but to Christ, who forgives you, redeems you, gives you peace.

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