
Summary: The prophetic literature is full of instances when the prophet acts as an agent of the heavenly court who informs the people of God that God holds a grievance against them. There was a total disrespect for their fellow man. The forgot "All Lives Matter"

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There has been much debate and concern about the movement that begun in our nation a few short years ago – The “BLACK LIVES MATTER” movement. It is a movement and network that ADVOCATES FOR DIGNITY, JUSTICE AND RESPECT OF BLACK LIVES. Matter of fact I was very proud of our State of Oklahoma as we witnessed the Black Lives Movement and March in our States Capitol last weekend. A few thousand, Black, Whites, Hispanics and others marched peacefully as our nation witnessed once again the deaths of two more young black men –

• Alton Sterling shot and killed in Baton Rouge, LA

• Philando Castile of St. Paul, MN who was also tragically killed in St. Paul, MN

• Millions across the nation marched saying once again - Enough is Enough

There are many that would attempt to tell us Black Lives Matter is Racist yet have never made comments or rarely make the same comments against the KKK! We are intelligent enough to understand Black Lives Matter does not meant – Blue lives don’t! It does not mean only black lives matter, that was only said by the Media and other Networks. I fully agree that Blue Lives Matter! And support the thought and stance.

We don’t have to be for one and against the other. That is an insult to our intelligence – to think we have to be either for Black Lives Matter or be for Blue Lives Matter. Our hearts still grieve for the five police officers killed in Dallas, TX and Seven others wounded. We still grieve with our nation as these officers were tragically gunned down and Ambushed –

• Officer Brent Thompson

• Officer Patrick Zamarripa

• Officer Michael Krol

• Officer Michael Smith

• Officer Lorne Ahrens

• Their families and the Dallas Police Department are still in our prayers

Can I tell you this morning we need not draw a line in the sand and be forced to choose sides because no one wins with that philosophy! As Christians our claim should be all lives matte!! But let me be clear, so there is no misunderstanding as to my position. “Black Lives Matter” is real and needful and deserves our respect and attention. It’s like if I have a little accident and break my right leg and go to the Emergency Room. They send me to X-Ray and the Technician says firstly we will take an X-Ray of your left leg. I would respond, we don’t need an X-Ray of my left leg because it is my right leg that is giving me pain and needs attention at this particular time. The technician would respond, yes sir I understand but both your legs are important, both of your legs matter. Well…that is very true, however; right now, at this time, it is my right leg that is in pain and needs attention. So, yes, both my legs are important, but since its my right leg that needs attention right now, “My Right Leg Matters” -- So, therefore; yes All lives matter, but right now what needs America’s attention is the amount of young black men and women who continue to lose their lives in the streets of our nation, so yes “BLACK LIVES MATTER.”

Let me call your attention back again to our Old Testament text that has already been read. I suppose we would be quite alarmed if a lawyer walked into the church and presented a court summons to our church - FBC, along with several other churches throughout Ardmore as well as Churches around our nation informing us the Church is being sued.

• This MASSIVE CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT has a variety of charges

• If surprise describes our reaction to being sued

• I believe fear would describe our feelings when we discovered who it is that is suing us—THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY

This imagined scenario was a reality for the nation of Israel. The prophetic literature is full of instances when the prophet acts as an agent of the heavenly court who informs the people of God that God holds a grievance against them. Micah comes before the nation of Israel like a baliff in modern day courts.

• However, instead of requiring the citizens of Israel to stand as the honorable judge enters the courtroom

• Micah declares that all of creation is already standing as the courtroom

• If Israel so dares, they can stand before God and plead their innocence before the mountains

• If Israel desires to justify what they have been doing, they have some heavy charges to answer

• Micah informs the Israelites that God has a dispute against them

• God has a contention against his people, and he demands an answer

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