
Summary: Xerxes 1 was the son of Darius 1 of Persia; his mother was the daughter of Cyrus the Great. During his reign, he dealt with revolts in Egypt and Babylon.

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Ahasuerus/ ?-HAZ-ew-EER Modern: 'A?ašveroš, Tiberian: 'A?ašweroš, commonly Achashverosh, Koine Greek: ?s??????, romanized: Asou?ros, in µ Septuagint; Latin: Assuerus in the Vulgate) is a name applied in the Hebrew Bible to three rulers and a Babylonian official (or Median King) in the Book of Tobit.


• 1Etymology

• 2Biblical references

o 2.1Book of Esther

? 2.1.1Historical identification

o 2.2Book of Ezra

o 2.3Book of Daniel

o 2.4Book of Tobit

• 3. In legends

• 4. Notes

• 5. Xerxes

• 6. Ahasuerus

• 7. Fast Facts

1 Etymology

It is believed that the Hebrew form derives from the Old Persian name of Xerxes I; this became Babylonian A?šiyaršu (a?-ši-ia-ar-šu), then became Akšiwaršu (ak-ši-i-wa6-ar-šu), borrowed into Hebrew A?ašwêrôš, and thence into Latin as Ahasuerus, the form traditionally used in English Bibles.

The Persian name was independently rendered in Ancient Greek as Xérxes. Many newer English translations and paraphrases of the Bible have used the name Xerxes. Finally, the word is translated as Ahasuerus

2.1.Book of Esther

There is no reference to known historical events in the story; the narrative of Esther was invented to provide an etiology for Purim, and the name Ahasuerus is usually understood to refer to a fictionalized Xerxes I, who ruled the Achaemenid Empire between 486 and 465 BCE. In the Septuagint, the Book of Esther refers to this King as 'Artaxerxes.' Persian kings did not marry outside a restricted number of Persian noble families. It is unlikely that there was a Jewish queen Esther; in any case, the historical Xerxes's queen was Amestris.

2.1.1 Historical identification

Numerous scholars have proposed theories as to whom Ahasuerus represents. Most scholars generally identify him with Xerxes I, as did 19th-century Bible commentaries. Three factors, among others, contribute to this identification:

1. It is agreed that the Hebrew 'Ahasuerus' descended from the Persian name for Xerxes I.

2. Historian Herodotus describes Xerxes I as being susceptible to women and in the habit of making extravagant offers to them, just as he did to Esther ("up to half my kingdom"). Herodotus mentions that the Persian empire stretched from India to Ethiopia and refers to the magnificent royal palace in Shushan (Susa), corroboration of what is stated in the Book of Esther. In addition, Herodotus mentions an assembly of Persian nobles called by Xerxes to advise him on the proposed war against Greece. Although Herodotus does not give the location of this assembly, the date - "after Egypt was subdued" - corresponds to Xerxes' third year when Esther records an assembly of Persian nobility at a feast. (Histories VII.8) Herodotus also mentions that following his defeat at Salamis, Xerxes I became involved in harem intrigues involving his wife Amestris and his daughter-in-law, whom he became enamored. (Histories IX.108) Herodotus relates that this occurred in the tenth month of his seventh year as King — the same time Ahasuerus was choosing beautiful women for his harem (Esther 2:16).

3. Annals from the reign of Xerxes I mention an otherwise unattested official by the name of "Marduk," which some have proposed refers to Mordecai, as both are mentioned serving in the King's court.

The Septuagint, the Vulgate, the Midrash of Esther Rabbah, I, 3, and the Josippon identify the King as Artaxerxes I. The historian Josephus relates that this was the name he was known to the Greeks.

2.2 Book of Ezra

Ahasuerus is also given the name of the King of Persia in the Book of Ezra. Modern commentators associate him with Xerxes I, who reigned from 486 BC until 465 BC. Other identifications have been made for Cambyses II or Bardiya (Greek Smerdis), who reigned (perhaps as an imposter) for seven months between Cambyses II and Darius I.

2.3 Book of Daniel

Ahasuerus is given the name of the father of Darius the Mede in the Book of Daniel. Josephus names Astyages as the father of Darius the Mede. The latter's description as uncle and father-in-law of Cyrus by medieval Jewish commentators matches Cyaxares II, who is said to be the son of Astyages by Xenophon. Thus this Ahasuerus is commonly identified with Astyages. He is alternatively identified with the Ahasuerus of the Book of Tobit, as Cyaxares I said to be the father of Astyages. Views differ on how to reconcile the sources in this case. One view is that the description of Ahasuerus as the "father" of Darius the Mede should be understood in the broader sense of "forebear" or "ancestor." Another view notes that on the Behistun Inscription, "Cyaxares" is a family name, and thus considers the description as literal, viewing Astyages as an intermediate ruler wrongly placed in the family line in the Greek sources.

Most scholars view Darius the Mede as literary fiction or possibly a conflation[a] of Darius the Great with prophecies about the Medes.

[a] Synonyms for conflation admixture, alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, blend, cocktail, combination, composite, compound, emulsion, fusion, intermixture, meld, mix, mixture, synthesis

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