Advance Through Arrest Series
Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 29, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus indicates that one of the key ways of getting the Gospel spread would be through the courts. The persecution would lead to opportunities to defend the Gospel before high officials and leaders in high places.
There is a difference between sin and error. It I say 2+2=5 I am in error, but I am not sinning. That
is, if my motive is to come to a right answer I am not sinning. If my human fallibility leads me to a
wrong answer it is not sin. If I say 2+2=5 in order to confuse a young person so that they will make
a mistake and get a problem wrong then it becomes a sin, for it is a deliberate attempt to deceive. It
is no longer an error but a lie, and, therefore, a sin. The motive determines the difference between a
sin and an error.
When it comes to matters of Biblical doctrine we find the same distinction. If I had believed that
Jesus was to come in 1988, I have been proven wrong. I was in error to believe that, but I was not
sinning in believing that. That was an error in calculation and interpretation. Christians have been
wrong about a good many things because they did not properly understand God's Word. This is not
sin, but the natural result of the inadequacy of human knowledge. However, if my error is the direct
result of disobeying, or of paying no heed to the clear words of Christ, then it becomes sin, for it is
error due to willful negligence. Whenever we can avoid error easily and do not do so because of
laziness and indifference, it becomes a sin to be wrong. To be in error about the obscure or
unrevealed is perfectly normal, but to be in error about the clearly revealed is to be guilty of sinful
Jesus predicted that error would be successful, and false prophets would lead many astray just
because people will refuse to give heed to His warning. They will allow themselves to be frightened,
and led into unstable emotionalism over the very things He clearly stated were no cause for alarm.
G. Campbell Morgan wrote, "Observe...that in this prophecy we have the definite declaration that
wars and rumors of wars are not the sign of the end of the age." Yet every crisis and international
conflict will bring many false prophets out of the darkness to confuse and frighten.
Whenever you find Christians being alarmists and acting like chicken little scampering around
the barnyard screaming that the sky is falling, you know they have missed the purpose of Christ's
teaching on last things. His key word is watch. Do not be alarmed He urges. Don't go off half
cocked. Don't lose control of your emotional stability. Be steady, be alert, be watchful. A few
minutes of calm reflection upon the evidence would have saved chicken little from his emotional
blunder and premature warning that caused so much chaos. So also a few moments of calm
reflection on the clear teaching of Jesus will help us avoid confusing the end with the beginning.
Jesus said that all these things are the beginning of sufferings. Let us not be guilty of willful error by
saying these things are signs of the end.
In verse 9 Jesus goes on to tell the disciples some of the very specific forms of suffering they will
have to endure. Let us keep in mind that Jesus answered their question primarily to give them
understanding. The first application of His teaching is to the immediate future of the disciples, and
not to the 20th century, or any other century. For example, Jesus says they will be beaten in
synagogues, and taken before governors and kings. This is obviously a picture of law enforcement
and persecution which fits what the Apostles faced, but would not apply after 70 A. D. After that
the Jews no longer had the power or authority. It was not long before the picture was reversed
completely and Christians were persecuting Jews and beating them.
The point is, Jesus is not describing what is going to happen all through history, though similar
things have always happened. He is telling them what they must endure as the first proclaimers of
the Gospel. Both Jews and the Romans would arrest them because of all the trouble Christianity
would stir up. The Romans would have to intervene because of the dangerous tension between the
old Israel and new Israel. It was a civil war within Judaism that the Gospel caused, and as verse 12
shows, it was a conflict unto death. The Romans had to step in to maintain order. You will notice
that the beatings are to take place in the synagogue at the hands of the Jews, but the being brought
before the governors and kings was for the purpose of bearing testimony. Of course, no beatings
have been allowed in synagogues for many centuries, and so this passage obviously refers to the