
Summary: Jesus Christ paid the price for our adoption into the family of God.

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In 1985 John and Martha Laughlin were informed that they were unable to have children, and yet they so longed for little ones that they began saving money to adopt a child. Over time they had decided on a child from Russia, had been over once to visit and choose the child, a 3-month old baby boy whom they had named “John”, and in 1989 they had finally saved enough money to complete the adoption process. However two days before their departure, they were informed by the adoption agency that the Russian government was placing an “adoption tax” on all adopted children, the increased price was now nearly double the original amount. Heartbroken the Laughlin’s wrote the agency, expressed their love for John, and asked for a one month time period to acquire the difference in cost. They had no idea how they were going to come up with a similar amount in 30 days that had taken them nearly 4 years to save. As they were praying about it John had an idea. If they sold their only car, he could ride the bus to work, and they might have the amount needed for their precious boy. Twenty-seven days later they were on the airplane to Russia, having raised the exact amount needed. It hardly seemed like sacrifice to them at all, when they watched the clerk sign the adoption certificate and finally held that precious boy in their arms, having paid the adoption price out of love for John.

In John chapter 8, the whole section that we are in is a discussion about fatherhood, and it calls for us to consider the subject of adoption. We’ll see that as we look at this passage together. Now so far we have we have seen in this chapter some heart searching “ifs.” We have seen the “if” of discipleship. vs. 31 "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” So that statement should cause us to examine ourselves and see if we are disciples of Jesus. Are we holding to the Teaching? Then we have the heart searching “if” of freedom. vs. 36 Jesus says “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Last week we saw that Jesus free people from the curse of the Law, from the guilt of sin and from the kingdom of Satan, thereby freeing us from sin’s power. And now today we have the heart searching “if” of sonship. Notice vs. 42: Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me.” So once again Jesus statement causes us to examine our hearts and see if by this definition we are children of God.

Now this whole passage is about fatherhood, and the Jews claim in verse 39 that Abraham was their father, meaning that they had all the entitlements and qualifications, and blessings of Abraham himself. But Jesus argues them out of that position so they change their story and in verse 41 they say “the only Father we have is God Himself.” But Jesus states that it is actually neither of these two options, and He clarifies for them who their father really is when He says in verse 44 “you belong to your father, the devil.” So my sermon title this morning is, “who’s your daddy?” I don’t mean your physical father, I mean who is your spiritual Father? The Jews didn’t know. Abraham, no wait, it’s God. No, neither one of those were right. And this is an extremely important question, for while we only live with our earthly fathers for 18-20 years, we will live with our spiritual father throughout all eternity.

Now we need to understand Jesus’ argument in this passage in order to know how He arrived at His conclusion, that they were children of the devil. Jesus is applying a truth that was stated in Gen. 1:12. Which shows the earth was created with plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.” God made the first apple tree and that tree had seeds in it, that when planted grew up to bear a striking resemblance to the original tree. So that trees, and people, bear seeds in their own likeness. Have you ever talked with someone, and you also knew their Dad, and said, “Wow. that’s uncanny.” “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” People often say that about my son, Joshua, “wow, Mike with hair!” Like produces like.

So we’ve figured out whose children these Jews are not. Abraham is not their father; God is not their father. So who’s their daddy? Who’s their spiritual father?

Well Jesus makes two statements about the devil, obvious statements that they, themselves knew to be true: He says the devil is a murderer and a liar. End of Vs. 44: “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” The devil is a murderer and a liar. And Jesus had said earlier to these Jews in verse 40 “you are determined to kill me” and in verse 45, “because I tell you the truth, you don’t believe me”; they wanted to kill Jesus and they had no room for truth, both of which prove that they are in the likeness of the devil. Like produces like.

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