Adam, First And Last Series
Contributed by Charles Salmon on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The first in a series on prophecy, this sermon compares the first and last Adam as to similarities and contrasts.
Adam, First and Last I Cor. 15:22
INTRO. Today’s message begins a series on “Jesus In Genesis.” As we look forward to the Christmas season, I want to prepare our hearts for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The entire Old Testament was written to prepare people for this event. We are just going to look at Genesis for a few weeks to see what Genesis reveals about the Christ. You may be surprised to learn how much of the Christ we can see in the very first book of the Bible.
I once had a friend named Smith who would insist at every opportunity, “We are all related to Adam Smith.” In a sense, he was right. Not only are we heirs of his physically, but we also inherit the result of his spiritual rebellion.
Sin and death are in this world because Adam introduced them. The last Adam, Jesus Christ, came to introduce forgiveness and restore life.
Let’s look at what the Bible reveals about Adam Smith (We’ll call him that for convenience.) and Christ to see what they have in common.
I. Both are designated “Son of God.”
A. Adam Smith is so named in Luke 3:38
1. He had no earthly parents. He was created an adult: Gen. 2:7
2. He was created from the dust of the ground, from the elements already in existence.
3. The Spirit of God was Agent of his creation. Job. 33:4
4. We inherit his nature: I Cor. 15:47, 48.
B. Nor was the last Adam born to human parents:
1. Jesus had a human mother, but the Christ’s existence did not begin in Bethlehem. John 1:1
2. In His human birth, the Spirit was a participant. Luke 1: 35
3. Like Adam Smith, the last Adam had no earthly father, so is “Son of God.” Mark 1:1 John 20:31
II. Both are given supreme authority by God.
A. Adam Smith was given supreme dominion over all the earth. Gen. 1:26-28
1. Ps 8:5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.
2. He was given power over the entire world and all its creatures.
3. He abused his authority and sin ruined the creation.
B. The last Adam has even greater authority:
1. Heb. 2:6-9 quotes Psalm 8 and relates it to Jesus.
2. He was crowned because of the suffering of death.
3. 1 Peter 3:22 “who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand — with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.
4. 1 Cor 15:27 For he "has put everything under his feet.”
III. Both came into the world perfect and free from sin:
A. Adam Smith was created perfect.
1. He was part of a perfect creation. Gen. 1:31
2. Eccl 7:29 God made mankind upright,
3. The “first Adam, second Adam” comparison refers to the idea they were the first and last perfect. representatives of God, made in God’s image. Heb. 1:3
B. The Bible tells us the last Adam lived a sinless life:
1. He is our sinless High Priest. Heb. 7:26
2. No one responded when He challenged them to find fault with Him. John 8:46
3. He resisted every temptation: Heb. 4:15
C. The sad part of the story:
1. Adam Smith and all his descendants sinned
2. The last Adam, though sinless, had to die for sin.
IV. Both have been given a bride
A. Adam Smith received a “helper fit” for him made from his own flesh and bone.
1. It wasn’t good for a man to be alone. Gen. 2:18.
2. Man was made a social being who is happiest in the company of others generally.
3. After searching among all the animals for a suitable mate, God created Eve. Gen. 2:20
B. The union of Adam and Eve compares to the relationship between the last Adam and His Church.
1. Eph. 5:22-32 has a whole series of comparisons.
2. 2 Cor. 11:2, 3 - Paul’s fear for the Corinthians is they may not be a faithful wife.
V. Both are givers of human life:
A. From Adam Smith, we inherit our physical bodies:
1. This is the meaning of Acts 17:26
2. I Cor. 15:47, 48a. We are dust as he was.
3. Sadly, he also brought sin into the world by disobedience. Rom. 5:12
4. So, he introduced death into the human experience. The soul that sins shall die.
B. The last Adam gives us spiritual, eternal life:
1. In Adam, we have birth. In Christ, we are reborn.
2. I Cor. 15:48b, 49 - we are born like the earthly Adam Smith, but can become like the heavenly last Adam.
3. He has brought life and immortality. II Tim. 1:10
4. 1 Cor 15:45 So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.