"Act Like You Know!"
Contributed by Kevin Smith on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Many of us as Christians say we know we’ve been changed, but we don’t act like we know we’ve been changed in terms of our praise & worship to God.
I. Introduction
-Re-read verses 8 & 9 in the text as focal verses.
-Present Title of sermon.
-At the onset of this message I would submit to you that many of us say we know we’ve been changed by God and we know we’ve been changed, but we don’t really act like we know we’ve been changed.
-I’m not so much talking about changing the way we walk or talk, as that’s a whole nother sermon in & of itsself, but what I want to deal with on today is really how we praise and worship God in church the same old way een after we say we’ve been changed by God or had an encounter with him.
-(Elaborate on how we don’t act like we know we’ve been changed in our response to the change.
-These reasons can also be an idication of why you can’t continue to change and move to the next level in your life.
- You cannot continue to react and respond the same way to the changes God makes in your life & expect different results!!
-You gotta act like you KNOW you’ve been changed!!
-So, how do I act like I know I’ve been changed?
-I talked with the lame man in the text the other day, and he helped me to understand how he began to act like he knew he’d been changed in response to the change God made in his life.
-Just like he helped me I wanna help you.
II Body: 3 Ways To Act Like You Know You’ve Been Changed.
A.) When you act like you know you’ve been changed, you’ll change your posture.
-Read verse 8.
-The lame man went from being crippled to standing upright.
-Too many of us that claim we know we’ve been changed still come into church with the same old crippled walk, the same old dry praise, the same old mope, frown, and hung head. (elaborate)
-When you act like you know you’ve been changed, your posture will change.
-You’ll come into the house of God with your head held high, no matter what you’re facing, and every time you experience God making a change in your life you’ll have a new shout, new run, new holler, etc.
B. When you act like you know you’ve been changed, you don’t have to wait for other ppl to do for you what you can do for yourself.
-Read verse 2 in the text.
-read verse 8.
-Before the lame man experienced a change, he had to rely on others to carry him where he needed to go.
-When he got his change though he automatically was able to push himself to a place of praise and worship in God.
-When you really know you’ve been changed, you don’t have to wait for nobody else to push you to a mindset of praise and worship in God!!
-You don’t have to wait for the preacher, ministers, choir, praise team, musicians, or nobody to push & provoke you to praise, you’ll come in bustin the door down with a praise b/c you KNOW you’ve been changed!!!
C. When you act like you know you’ve been changed, you don’t allow your location or those around you to control wether you act like you know or not.
-Read verses 8-9.
-Notice that the man didn’t wait until he got beyond the vale to praise and worship God, but he started doing it at the temple gate!!
-Too many of us that say we know we’ve been changed only act like it in the house of God if that.
-When you know you’ve been changed you don’t have to wait until you get into the house of God to give him praise, but you’ll bust loose with a praise anywhere!!
-He also wasn’t concerned about who was around him while he praised God!
-When you act like you know you’ve been changed, you ain’t worried about whose around you, whose watching you, talking about you, etc...You just give God GLORRYYYY!!!!!!!!!
III. Preach the text: