Abundant Living
Contributed by John Russell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Why don’t most Christian experience the abundant life Christ promised in John 10.10?
What Happens When I Believe?
#19 I have life abundantly because Jesus is the Life (John 10.10)
If a friend or relative came up to you this week and asked, "what is life all about?" how would you answer?
Pause for answers, write then share
What is "the good life"; what is "the meaning of life"; what is this "abundant life" Jesus talked about?
AND, why don’t most Christians seem to experience and enjoy "abundant living"?
I’m afraid we have adopted/swallowed the world’s view of "abundant life"
Not only our pursuits, but also our beliefs!
Solomon’s View: Ecclesiastes 2.10-11
--And not just Solomon. Mitch Albom, "Have a Little Faith" With all he had, "I wasn’t any happier than those who didn’t" have it.
--The harder we pursue "happiness", the more elusive it is. Yet, we continue the pursuit.
The more we try to accumulate, the less satisfied we are with what we have. Yet, we continue to hoard (yes, "hoard"!)
Has the church become a social club with religious overtones?
A study published in 2005 concluded that a new religion had emerged in America whose chief tenets are as follows:
--A God exists who created and orders the world and watches over human life on earth.
--God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions.
--The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about one-self.
--God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life except when God is needed to resolve a problem.
--Good people go to heaven when they die.
Maybe we don’t experience and enjoy Christ’s promised abundant life because we haven’t given in to it! See Luke 9.23-25
Paul’s Goals: Philippians 3.7-11
--What is standing in your way to full devotion to God?
Jesus’ Commentary: Mark 12.30-31
--According to the Talmud there are 613 commandments in the Torah. There are 248 positive and 365 negative.
--Jesus summed them all up into 2:
1.Love God (heart; soul; mind; strength)
--What does that look like?
--John 14.15
2.Love People (as yourself; your neighbor)
--What does that look like?
--The Good Samaritan
--1 John 3.16-18
--1 John 4.20
--James 1.27
--"Hate" from dictionary
--Mitch Albom again. He was impressed with people’s faith... is anyone impressed with yours?
How are you doing on these two?
We are talking about both Actions & Attitudes
Solomon’s Conclusion: Ecclesiastes 12.13-14
--Fear God (take Him seriously)
--Obey God (His will becomes our will)
--We will answer to God (what have you done with what I gave you?) (John talks about not being ashamed at His coming; Jesus and the bridesmaids not being ready)
Full Devotion.
--This is what God requires.
--I can’t tell you what this looks like in your life
--We provide opportunities, but they are not exclusive
--What chokes spiritual life? Luke 8.11-15
--We need to jettison what gets in the way (deny ourselves); let our love for God permeate our lives (pick up your cross daily); and allow God’s love to move through us (follow me)
If you want to experience "abundant living", pursue God, with full devotion. No matter what, no matter the cost. No excuses. Full Devotion.