
Summary: Nobody listened to God then, and nobody is listening to Him now.

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In a time where there only seems to be death and destruction playing out on the news 24 -7

This has country has turned into one big panic attack.

Pass more laws, ban more guns

God already did that 3600 years ago and how did that work out?

He banned Adam and Eve from the forbidden fruit

He gave us the law

And we all failed miserably

The problem is we forgot how to listen

Nobody listened to God then, and nobody is listening to Him now.

Matthew 24: 8“But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.

Jesus warns us this would be is just the beginning, the birthing pains and there would be more to come.

The devil used to be hiding in the details, now he is in plain view boldly advertizing and announcing what he intends on doing

John 10:10“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

The thief comes to steal your peace, to kill your confidence and destroy your future

He uses fear to steal your peace,

he uses panic to kill your confidence ,

and he fills your life with so much worry , your future doesn’t stand a chance and you want to give up

But Jesus came to restore all that , to give you back your life and not just life but life abundantly, pressed down , shaken together overflowing

Heaven can heal anything that is happening down here on earth ,

People are looking for all kinds of answers, but they forgot to listen.

Jesus said I am the answer to the fear ,

I am the answer to the panic and

I will end all the worry

2Timothy 2:17 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Jesus gives us this abundant life , a Spirit that produces all kinds of fruit

Unfortunately it’s the same fruit the enemy is after.

Whenever you see the fruit of the Spirit ,you can be sure the enemy wants his part in it.

Remember there was a tree producing fruit, Satan knew about, he wanted it but he couldn’t he couldn’t get to it ,so he did the next best thing , he used the ones that could .

Genesis 3:4The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! 5“For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Why wouldn’t God not want you to have your eyes open , and have the knowledge of Good and evil?

Every commentator and theologian will say the same thing that this tree , this fruit was a test of obedience.

We have been raised with this notion that Adam and Eve were punished because they disobeyed God.

But you won’t find that word disobey anywhere

Up to this point Adam had never known evil, Eve, she was way out of her league

No instead , this was by far the greatest robbery of all time the worst universe had even known.

Instead of gold and silver

Satan went after something so much much more precious

He stole their innocence

He corrupted their Holiness

He stole their covering

Their eyes where open constantly reminded of their guilt and shame

Genesis 3:9Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?”

This right here , could be the biggest, most defining moment in history

God has a decision to make

Adam’s and Eves’ condition was now desperate, so corrupted

That now there was no difference between him and the fallen angles

Satan got to them , he used fear , panic and worry


Not because God didn’t know, because they didn’t know


God could let them go to a life that would lead to destruction , or He could change history forever and reach down and restore them

This Is the same cry that every child of God still hears to this day


God is calling for you right now , not because He doesn’t know

Have you buried beneath fear and anxiety panic and worry afraid to live


Have you lost your way, are you running and getting no where

God did give us this promise , the promise of a redeemer

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."

The word enmity means hostility,

You have heard of a hostile takeover, Christ wants who belongs to Him

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