Contributed by Jeff Pearce on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Life lived for Christ is a life of abundance.
John 10:10
Intro: Abundant, meaning plentiful or well supplied
1: Life for the Lord
a) salvation, the first step too living for Christ
b) the point where one decides to accept or reject Jesus as savior
c) to accept, is too be forgiven of sin and trespass
d) to reject is too seal a fate of eternal damnation and seperation from God
Point: Before we get into living for Christ we have too understand the one requirement for doing so. John 3:16 God GAVE his only begotten, WHOSOEVER BELIEVES shall have everlasting life. That's paraphrase of course but the foundation of a christian life is Christ himself within us. Our faith in him, Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13. Abundance is only available through salvation.
2: Well supplied
a) having more than one needs
b) having more than one imagined
c) he came too give life and give it abundantly
Point: Many can testify too this truth, how God has blessed and wrought miracles in there lives. We could go around the sanctuary and give everyone a chance to tell how good God is to them and we'd be here all week. But Jesus had a deeper meaning than just physical or material blessings.
Body: Spiritual Abundance
1: Look at Paul
a) Philippians 3
b) after his salutation to the church he gives a warning and example
c) he deals with false teachers
d) and lists some of his history and past too prove a solemn point
Point: Paul gave three characteristics of christians, 1 we worship in the spirit, 2 we rejoice in Christ, 3 we have no confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:3. Paul stated that all his achievements were but dung.
2: That I may know him
a) v 10
b) Paul's desire was to preach Christ
c) he had a consuming compassion
d) too know Christ was Paul's highest aspiration
e) to suffer for Christ was his privledge
Point: Too many who knew Paul it would have been easy too think he lived a life of uncertainty or of crippling poverty. His apperance would be of one as a beggar or homless person, he was a prisoner of Rome when he penned the letter. Many would never think a man who lost everything he had would all the long be living a life of abundance.
3: Move forward
a) Paul never slowed down
b) not even during his 1st or 2nd imprisionment
c) Phil 3:13-14
d) forget those things which are behind
Point: a pharisee, a hebrew of hebrews, a enemy of the church, Paul was that person, but after salvation he became a new creature, filled with hunger and desire too share and receive others too the glorious riches of a life in Christ.
Closing: Reach for the mark
1: Aim to acheive for Christ
a) seek to witness and worship for Jesus
b) search the scripture for knowledge of the King of kings
c) love others until they ask you why
d) Have a standard of plentiful well supplied living
Conclusion: The world teaches us that abundance is in things, material, monetary, a physical world doesn't see or acknowledge spirtual abundance. As a christian we have the ability granted too us by God the Father too choose daily how much of Christ we want in our lives.
The real question is who do we seek to please, Self or Savior? Do we wish to have abundance of self?
Or surrender to mercy and grace allowing Christ to rule and reign in every aspect of our lives?
Abundance can be measured two ways, by what we've done or by what Christ has done for us.