
Summary: True faith requires action.

Henry Blackaby in “Experiencing God” words it this way: "The crisis of belief is an encounter with God requires faith. Encounters with God are God-sized. What you do in response to God’s revelation reveals what you believe about God. True faith requires action".

If someone promised you that one day they will return back to you a million dollars. I sure many of us would be thrilled with excitement and enthusiasm. Or some would say what’s the catch right? Many years progressed nothing has become of this promised future. However, one day they return with the fulfilled promise. How would you respond? What would be your reaction? Let’s focus on Genesis 17:1-27, there are three encountered responses we want to consider; Abraham’s posture, God’s covenant, and sanctification through circumcision. Let’s us began reading at vs. 1

I. He encountered changed posture vs. 1-3

A. That you may walk before me

B. That you may be blameless before me

C. That you may fall before me

II. He encountered confirmed covenant vs. 4-10

A. That you may be father of nations

B. That you may be exceedingly fruitful

C. That you may have everlasting possession

III. He encountered sanctified circumcision vs. 11-27

A. That it may be kept

B. That it may be blessed

C. That it may be confirmed

Look! God’s word is truth. Through acts of obedience and worship God will fulfill his covenant. Therefore our seeds can multiply and produce bountiful blessings. Our lives should look like who God is. We must respond to the encounter as Abraham did by falling before him, walking before him, and he found blameless before him. Let us practice our faith by reading the word of God, worshiping his name, and remaining consistent in prayer. Also we must carry the message of Jesus Christ to others that they would accept the everlasting covenant. “For God so love the world he gave his only begotten Son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life”. We serve an almighty God who rewards them that seek him. Therefore the word of faith remains within us throughout the promise blessing process.

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