
Summary: I truly believe that God is, as I speak, in the process of blessing us with what we have been asking Him for. I believe He desires to bring us to a place of restoration in our life. But before he can restore us He has to first cancel some things in our li

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“A Year Of Cancellation And Restoration”

Leviticus 25

Read vs. 10-13; 17-22

(Talk bout God waking me up at 5:30 in the morning.)

I truly believe that God is, as I speak, in the process of blessing us with what we have been asking Him for. I believe He desires to bring us to a place of restoration in our life. But before he can restore us He has to first cancel some things in our lives that could be a hindrance to where He’s about to bring us. (to restore our joy- cancel depression; peace & happiness-chaos & drama; healing-sickness; prosperity & wealth-cancel debt; freedom-bondages) I truly believe I heard the heart of God that morning letting me know to let you know that all is well and before you know it, there’s going to be a big turn around in your own life and in the lives of your family. God is going to began to move in areas of our lives that are going to prepare us for those things which rightfully belong to us. He’s getting us ready and our lives in order. I believe that we’re going to see tremendous breakthroughs and experience some awesome moves of God. All that the enemy has taken from you, God is commanding the enemy to let go of it. God is saying to us this morning this is our year of Jubilee, our year of cancellation and restoration.

In our text in that day and time people could mortgage their land, but in the year of Jubilee that land would return back to the original owner. This was the way God protected the land from leaving the original owner. The land could be taken away for a period of fifty years, but in the year of Jubilee the land went back to the original owner or to his descendents. If a man had sold himself into slavery, when the year of Jubilee came in and that trumpet sounded he would be set free. The shackles were broken. In the year of Jubilee everything went free. All mortgages were canceled. Debts owed were canceled. In this year of Jubilee God is going to cancel brokenhearted and set those of us that are captives to our situations and captive to certain habits and held in bondage, He’s going to set us free.

To really reap the benefits of this Jubilee, this cancellation and restoration of our lives, we must be obedient to His word, and take Him at His word. (Lev. 25:11-12) They were to obey and God would provide. Obedience is all that God expects.

(Vs. 13-17) Don’t try and make a person pay more than what’s due unto you. However in the year of Jubilee we are to release them of that debt that’s owed us. In order for God to cancel debt in our lives and to set us free, we must cancel what’s owed us by others and set them free. (vs. 18-19)

(Vs. 20-21; 3-5) God is saying you tried to fix it yourself. You tried to work it out yourself. He says now its time for you to take your hands off and allow Him to do what it is that needs to be done in your life. You’ve already gone through the year of planting and trying to fix things yourself. You’ve gone through the year, the sixth year, of planting your prayers for your family, for your children, for your spouse, for your life. He says now in the seventh year which is God’s number, He says it’s time for you to sit back and allow Him to take care of it. Sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Galatians 6:13 “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Don’t get discouraged and tired of doing good. Don’t get tired of praying. Don’t get tired of coming out to worship and Bible class. Don’t get tired of being good. God says He knows it’s been hard for you, don’t give up on Him. He says here don’t be weary. That word weary there means to retreat in battle, to give up the fight. The idea is that someone may get tired of planting and plowing and may give up. However, I believe God is saying to us today, that if we just hold on a little while longer, “in due season”, at it’s proper time, we shall reap, in other words we shall gather, collect, obtain and acquire IF we faint not, if we don’t relax, if we don’t quit. (it’s due season) It’s your season to get what’s due you.

(Lev.25:21) Command there comes from a Hebrew word that means to appoint to or give a charge or order to.

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