
Summary: God has provided us with a Wonderful Counselor in the person of His Son Jesus. Why do we not first listen to Him when we are in need or unsure of the Will of God?

Isaiah 11:1-5, Hosea 14:9, Colossians 3:16-17,

2 Timothy 3:16-17, James 1:5-8, 3:13-18 (NLT)

God has provided us with a Wonderful Counselor in the person of His Son Jesus. Why do we not first listen to Him when we are in need or unsure of the Will of God? The answer is simple; the world does not recognize Jesus as a counselor, let alone the Wonderful Counselor of God. Just know that there is no greater counselor than God Himself. There are four ways that God counsels us. First we can receive counsel when we listen to Him when we pray. We can receive counsel from Him when we read and study His Word. We can also receive counsel from Him through the circumstances we experience. Finally we can receive counsel from Him by other believers who are used by Him to pass something on to us.

Will you start listening to your Wonderful Counselor first?

How much time do you spend in prayer each day? When do you pray? Whose counsel do you seek to live your life and the lives of those under your charge? Do you talk to a friend or a relative, do you buy or borrow a book on a subject or look it up on the Internet, or do you just seek a professional. You may go to a friend or relative because you trust them or maybe they think the same way you do. You may get a book or look it up on the Internet because someone has sold a lot of books or has been deemed an expert by the world. Then we have the professions of Psychiatry or Psychology just to name two, those who have been educated and received training to assist you when you are in emotional distress. You may want to see and speak to someone that has a specialty that might help with your situation.

Will you start listening to your Wonderful Counselor first?

How much time do you spend in His Word? I read recently that the Harry Potter books fascinate young people because they see power in the words, and they see solutions to their problems; they also say that Sunday School and Church are boring. Why do you believe that is so? It might be so because they do not see you in His Word or excited by your study of it. They do not hear you telling them that you found a solution to your problem in it.

Will you start listening to your Wonderful Counselor first?

When the world is falling in all around you do you listen to the counsel of God? Do you realize these are special times that we receive the counsel of God? God is always working around you and is inviting you to join Him for His Purpose and His Glory to increase His Kingdom, here and hereafter. So the next time your world is shaken, don’t get upset, get excited, for God is getting ready to do something using you in a supernatural way.

Will you start listening to your Wonderful Counselor first?

Do you trust other believers when they come to you and say “ God wants me to share this with you.”? Too many of us believe that if God has something for us that He will always go to us directly. The Bible gives us many examples when God used other believers to relay His counsel to them.

Will you start listening to your Wonderful Counselor first?


May God richly bless you with His Word.

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