A Voice Crying In The Wildreness
Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: JOhn the Baptist
I. Overview of last lesson.
a. Recap of previous message – John the Baptist : Leading the Way
i. John the Baptist’s Identity and Mission
1. Zechariah’s son.
2. His Mission – to witness of Christ
ii. The True Light – Jesus Christ
1. His existence since the beginning of time
2. His rejection by His people – the Jewish nation
iii. Salvation offered as a free gift
1. Small numbers received Him for who He was.
2. Born of God, not blood, will, or flesh.
II. Illustration
a. “In the midst of a generation screaming for answers, Christians are stuttering.” – Howard Hendricks
III. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14a)
a. Word – logos in this setting, the meaning is that of the essential Word of God. It is used as a name for Christ seven times in scripture. All, in the Gospel of John. Significance of seven – complete.
b. Flesh – not just God covered by a human body, but taking on the whole of human nature.
c. Dwelt – skay-no’-o, literally means tabernacled. The tabernacle in the wilderness was a type of Christ. The tabernacle was built by the Hebrew nation as they wandered to the promised land in the wilderness. It was the place where God’s Spirit dwelt on earth. It was designed by God, not man. It was rough on the outside, covered by ram’s hides, and was big tent, a portable structure. What was special was the contents, and the Holy place, where the Spirit of God dwelt.
d. Among Us – no division as there was in the tabernacle or the temple.
IV. We beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14b)
a. These men lived during a special dispensation, that they are able to see the glory of God on Earth. Miracles, healings, etc.
b. They realized that He was the Son of God. Mark 8:27-29
c. He was full of grace and truth. Psalms 45:2 Josh 24:14
V. John’s witness of His grace. (John 1:15-16)
a. Bore witness – martureo from the root word martus witness. We get our work martyr from this. Many Christians died for their witness then, and continue to do so today.
b. John tells others that Jesus was the one he was sent to herald.
c. 16 – fullness – pleroma a nautical term used to describe a ship full of sailors, rowers, and/or cargo. In the New Testament, it is used mainly to describe a body of believers filled with God’s grace and riches.
d. All of His fullness we have received – we have received it.
e. Grace for grace. Christ living in us gives us grace to show His grace to others.
VI. The Law vs. Grace and Truth (John 1:17)
a. The Law
i. Given by Moses
ii. Strict, harsh laws.
iii. Not a system to perfect man, but to show him his shortcomings.
b. Grace
i. Jesus as the embodiment of grace.
ii. Titus 3:4-5
c. Truth
i. John 17:17 – thy Word is truth
ii. Deuteronomy 32:4 – God of truth
d. Conclusion – Roman 3:28-31
VII. No One Has Seen God (John 1:18)
a. Men interacting with God
i. Moses – burning bush, on Mt. Sinai
ii. Uzzah – touched the Ark, where the Spirit of God dwelt
iii. Rope around priest’s waist in the Holiest of Holies
b. Grace
i. Embodied in Christ
VIII. The testimony of John (John 1:19-21)
a. Priests and Levites – Religious Establishment that John was not a part of
b. Who are you? They knew in their hearts that John was a prophet.
c. John denied being Christ or Elijah.
d. The Prophet – explained.
IX. An Answer – What John Had to Say (John 1: 22-23)