
Summary: Humble yourselves before God and resist the devil.


1 Peter 5:5-11.

“Yea, ALL OF YOU be subject to one another, and be clothed with humility” (1 PETER 5:5b). This calls for mutual respect and humility, preferring the other to oneself. The reason follows: “for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” This quotes Proverbs 3:34: ‘surely He scorneth the scorners (literally, scoffs the scoffers), but He gives grace to the humble.’

If we are to bring glory to our God then we must all, like Jesus washing the disciples’ feet (cf. John 13:4-5), “bind on humility” (1 PETER 5:6). We must recognise the good hand of Providence in our attitude towards God, in our relationship with one another, and in our interaction with the world outside. We each need to submit with patience to our own particular cross in the sure knowledge that the hand which we so readily blame for oppressing us, is the same hand which will raise us up and exalt us “in due time.”

Do this, says Peter, having cast all your collective anxiety upon Him, because He cares about you all (1 PETER 5:7). David’s contemplation of a situation of hostility, betrayal and persecution led him to the conclusion that when we cast our burden upon the Lord, He does take care of us (cf. Psalm 55:22). Even our friends might let us down, but God never will.

We must not, however, slump into apathy: we must be sober (in the sense of self-controlled) and alert (1 PETER 5:8). We have a very real fight with a very real enemy (cf. Job 2:1-6), who like a lion would literally swallow us whole given half a chance. Our legal adversary is a malicious opponent (cf. Zechariah 3:1), but if we cast our cares upon God then the ‘accuser of the brethren’ will in his turn be cast down once and for all (cf. Revelation 12:10).

Jesus has already defeated the devil on the cross of Calvary, but this enemy is stubborn, and in a dangerous rage. We must fight with the weapons of faith, even the word of God, to the bitter end (1 PETER 5:9). In our own suffering we share in the accomplishment of the afflictions of our brothers and sisters in Christ here on earth.

In the benediction towards the end of this letter, Peter reminds us of God’s grace, of our calling, and of the eternal glory which is ours in Christ Jesus (1 PETER 5:10). The Apostle prays for a happy issue out of all our afflictions - that after we have suffered a “little while” we should be perfected, established, strengthened and set upon a firm foundation. And on that note we can only return praise to God:

“To Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen” (1 PETER 5:11).

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