A Tale Of Two Beds Series
Contributed by Michael Luke on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Healing is still available to those who place their trust in what Jesus Christ can do in their lives - healed spirits and healed souls
TEXT: ACTS 9:32-43
INTRODUCTION: A. Most of you are familiar with the classic Charles Dickens story, A Tale of Two Cities,
which begins: “It was the best of time, it was the worst of times…”
--That summary of life describes very well the 1st century:
1. Best of times
a. Pax Romana – Roman army’s presence in all regions.
--Even though there was some unrest in the empire, it was the most peaceful
time in history for quite some time
b. Roads and highway systems were in excellent shape
1). The Romans kept up the road so their military could travel quickly and
2). Also, presence of Roman army in every region discouraged a lot of robbers
who sought to waylay travelers along these roads
--It did happen from time to time but it was safer to travel than it had been
for quite some time.
c. There was a lot of merchant activity by sailing
1). Roman military ships actively sailed the Mediterranean and it discouraged a
lot of the piracy of ships that had occurred in the past.
2). Over all, travel was much easier and much safer all around.
d. Common language in use all over Roman Empire – Koine’ Greek
2. Worst of times
a. Mixture of religious and philosophical teaching
--Most of which conflicted greatly with Christianity
b. Sexual immorality was rampant
--temple prostitution, homosexuality, and any other perversion of God’s original
intention for sexuality
c. Non-caring attitude toward anything seemingly religious
--caused by the conflict between the multitude of religious and philosophical
B. Best of times/worst of times also descriptive of our own culture
1. Best of times
a. Travel has never been easier or faster
b. Information is available in second from anywhere in the world
c. Incredible advances in technology
--cell phones, satellite dishes, computers, microcircuits, nanotechnology
d. Incredible advances in medicine
--both surgical and pharmaceutical
2. Worst of times
a. Sexual immorality is rampant
b. Mixture of philosophical and religious teachings
1). Every religion is seen as viable
--“all roads lead to heaven”
2). People even utilize “buffet” religion
--a little Christianity, a little Buddhism, a little Hindu, etc.
3). Even Christianity divided into hundreds of denominational groups
4). All the confusion has caused a large number of people to have a non-caring
C. The problems of today are the same basic problems that have always been
1. Ecc. 1:9 – “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.”
2. In our passage, Peter has an answer for two different people in two different beds
3. The answer he offers is Jesus because He is the answer for any problem at any
--Acts 9:32-35 – “As Peter traveled about the country, he went to visit the saints in Lydda. 33There he found
a man named Aeneas, a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years. 34"Aeneas," Peter said to him,
‘Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take care of your mat.’ Immediately Aeneas got up. 35All those who
lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.”
A. Lydda located on road between Jerusalem and Caesarea
--Located approximately 18-20 miles NW of Jerusalem
1. Why was Peter traveling through this area?
a. v. 30 – “When the brothers learned of this (plot to kill Paul), they took him down to Caesarea and
sent him off to Tarsus.
b. It’s very possible that Peter was on of those that escorted Paul to Caesarea and decided to make the
return trip an evangelizing and discipling effort.
B. While in Lydda, meets a man named Aeneas
1. Don’t know how long paralyzed
--However, had been bedridden for 8 years
2. Peter had watched Jesus heal those who had been paralyzed.
3. v. 34 – Peter tells Aeneas that the power to heal is not in himself
--that only the power of Jesus Christ can accomplish what is going to happen
4. v. 35 tells us the effect of this miracle
--that those who lived in the surrounding communities of Lydda and the region of Sharon turned to the
a. “turned” literally means “to return to the path which one has gone astray”
b. A revival was brought to the area because of the work of Jesus Christ in the life of Aeneas
1). It was the faith of one man in what Jesus Christ could accomplish in his life that brought revival
and repentance to a whole region
2). Sharon was the coastal plan approximately 30 miles long that extend from Mt. Carmel in the
north to Joppa in the south.
--which leads directly to the next bed