A Spirit Of Rebellion
Contributed by Rick D Brackett on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A vivid picture of what happens to an individual when they are given over to the devil.
Text: Mark 5:1-5
Introduction: You would recognize him the moment that
you saw him.
1. His hair was matted together.
2. His face was unshaven.
3. He was foaming and frothing at the mouth.
4. Blood was flowing from self-inflicted
5. The clanging of chains could be heard as
he dragged them around.
6. He didn’t wear any clothes or live in a
house but dwelled among the tombs.
7. The stench of dried pus and soured vomit
was unbearable.
8. He would come at you screaming and crying
like a wild animal.
Who was this man? He was a man that was
possessed of the devil. He had anywhere
between 3 and 6 thousand demons in him.
Demons are disembodied spirits. They are
fallen angels that rebelled with Lucifer in
his initial rebellion against God. They can
afflict with bodily disease. Being unclean
they tempt us with unclean thoughts. They can
a. Insanity (Matt. 8:28; 17:15)
b. Muteness of speech (Matt. 9:3)
c. Blindness (Matt. 12:22)
d. A person to harm themselves (Mk. 5:5)
e. Paralysis (Luke 13:ll)
f. Deafness (Mk. 9:25)
BUT, It is impossible for a Christian to be
demon possessed. The Lord cannot and will not
be a cohabitant with the devil. When Jesus
shows up the devil is ready
to leave town.
Anyone who is unsaved is a candidate for demon
possession. But there are at least six
different groups that are more likely to
become demon possessed than others.
1. Those who enter into a covenant or a
contract with Satan, selling their souls.
2. Those who dabble in the occult, Black
Magic, White Magic, Horoscopes, Astrology,
Fortune Telling, Card Reading, Ouija
Boards, Fetishes, Charms, Seances, and
Satan worship, etc.
3. Those who use drugs and alcohol.
4. Those who practice false religions.
5. Those who indulge in sexual abuses and
6. Those who are vile and wicked. Blasphemers,
Foul-mouthed, Defile the flesh and are
morally corrupt.
We don’t know how this man got into
the condition that he was in. A person that
is degraded and weakened by sin will open
themselves to the devil. The Bible warns us
not to give place to the devil.
This man had been excommunicated
from the town of Gadara. They had tried to
restrain him with chains and fetters but they
could not hold him. The people of Gadara
could not rest or be at peace as long as they
knew that this man was on the loose. There
would be an errie feeling to come over the
town as they heard his hellish cries and
demonic laugh throughout the night.
It all sounds like the page out of a
horror story but it is reality. A man that
got so far into sin that demons took
possession of his body.
The city of Gadara is not the only
place that we can find such evil. There is
a spirit of rebellion that fills the land
today. We are seeing an explosion of evil all
around us.
A. It is hard for us to conceive how anyone could ever get into such a condition.
a. Sin has destructive power.
B. Sin will degrade you and bring you down to the level of an animal and a brute beast.
a. Sin Degrades
b. Sin Destroys
c. Sin Desecrates
C. Sin will always, always bring you down!
1. Jonah
a. He went down to Joppa
b. He went down into the ship.
c. He went down into the sea.
d. He went down into the belly of the whale.
2. Prodigal Son
a. He went down into a far country
b. He went down into immorality
c. He went down into the hog-pens.
D. This man went down into the tombs!
a. He left the land of the living to dwell among the dead.
E. Sin will alienate you!
1. God
a. “Our sins separate us from God”
b. “If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me”
2. Society
a. The prison population has exploded.
b. We can’t build prisons fast enough.
3. Family
a. How many families have lost a family member because of sin?
b. Through drugs, alcohol, divorce, etc.
F. All around us is sea of families that live in sin and misery.
a. They are in a deep pit of despair and anxiety.
b. They live with frustration, irritation, and restlessness
G. “There is no peace, saith God, for the wicked”
a. “The way of the transgressor is hard!”
b. “The wages of sin is death!”
c. “The soul that sinneth shall die”
H. This man gives to us a picture of how deplorable and horrible sin is!
a. His friends and his family became terrified of him.