
Summary: It describes the qualities that God is looking for in persons who will work for the good of the kingdom

A Special person for a Special Task

Exodus 3:10

In the book of Exodus 3:10 you will find theses words, "Come now therefore and i will send thee unto Pharoh that thou mayest bring forth my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt.

The history of our text is one that is familar to all of us. Israel had been enslaved in the unmerciful servitude of Egyptian bondage for over 430 years. They were the recipants oa a dark and dreary future. Day in and day out, generation after generation would cry out to God in prayer for a day of freedom, a day of deliverance, and God would hear their prayer and answer their prayer by preparing a young man by the name of Moses to be a Special Person for a Special Task

Moses would be the one who would lead Israel from the evil and oppression of its day. Moses would be a light of God’s hope and the sun of God’s reining glory. Moses would be the special person for a special task.

When we see all the negitives and crime in our communities, the senseless and horrific killings, a generation that would rather load guns instead of loading their head with knowledge, it says to the church there is a call for a special person for a special task.

In the case of Israels freedom Moses would be this special person. In the midst of excuses of non eloquence and slow to speech, apprenhension to take on the most powerful nation in the world, God would use him in a tremendous way. The calling of Moses tells us something of what God is looking for in the person He will use to bring about His glory.

First of all, God looks for a person who is willing to admit their weakness. Self righteousness, arrogance and self acclaim is not what God is looking for on the resume to serve Him. God wants persons who are willing to confess their imperfection in the midst of perfection, because in the midst of our weakness it is God who makes us strong, that He looks beyond our shortcomings, our faults and supplies our needs. Every great leader of biblical history understood imperfection in the presences of pefection. Isaiah said that my lips are unclean, Paul told the church at Corinth that at times he did foolish things, and that I am the least of the Apostles. The best work done for the Lord is done by persons who feel unworthy to do it. Our weakness is God’s opportunity to display His strength, our failure opens our eyes to His power.

Secondly a special person is one who is willing to be used. It is all about our attitude and our willingness to serve. It is a spirit that does not have to be begged, or bribed but simply says if the Lord needs somebody here am I send me. I have learned in my Christian journey that God is not a begging God, that He is an empowering God, He’s not a threatening God, but a reassuring God, not an intimidating God, but a loving GOd, a God who does not reward failure or success, but one who is a rewarder of faithfulness.

Finally, a special person is ready for the special task when you have been in the presences of God. Moses was raised in the house of Pharoh, he received a quality education, he was astue to their culture and how the people lived, but he wasn’t ready to be used by God until he stood on Mount Sinai. He walked where Pharoh walked, his footprint was everywhere in Egypt land, but he was not ready until he took his shoes off and stood on Holy ground.

If the prophetic message of hope is going to be proclaimed, if the blind are to see and the lame are to leap with joy, if the church is going to fulfill its calling and mission we need people who have taken off their shoes of worldiness, self righteousness, and evilness, and have stood in the presences of God. God is calling us to be that special person for the special task, to be everything that He has called us to be, to be instant in season and out of season.

The worlds fierce winds are blowing

Temptations are sharp and keen

But I have a peace in knowing

My Savior stands between

He stands to shield me from danger

When all my friends are gone

Promised never to leave me

Never to leave me alone.

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