A Special Mother
Contributed by Rich O' Toole on May 5, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Mary's Faith as a Mother
A Special Mother
Matthew 1:18-25, John 19:17-27
Good Morning, Happy Mother’s Day!
There is a story of four pastors who got together and were discussing their favorite version of the Bible.
One pastor said, “I like the Old King James version of the Bible, because of its poetic language”
Another pastor said, “I like the American Standard Version, because it is the closest word for word translation.”
Still another pastor said, “I like the Living Translation, because it is so easy to understand”
The fourth minister was there and remained silent for a time, but finally said, “I like my mother’s translation the best”.
The other three pastors were not sure how to respond, and finally said, “We didn’t know your mother made a Bible translation”.
The pastor replied, “Yes she did; she translated the Bible into everyday life…it was the most beautiful and convicting translation I ever saw”.
This pastor was blessed to have a Christ-centered mom who was the most important Bible he had ever seen.
Parents have the unique privilege and responsibility of influencing another human being with the Gospel of Christ.
But this privilege and responsibility is not only for parents.
If you are a Christian, someone who has received the Lord Jesus Christ, then you have been called with a high calling to influence those in you sphere of influence as well.
Whatever position you find yourself in this morning, there is a message for you through God’s Word.
Please open your Bible to two places, turn to John 19:25-27 put a book mark there and then open to Matthew 1:18-25.
This morning, we are going to learn of a very special mom who usually only get’s discussed at Christmas; of course I am speaking of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
If there was ever a mom whose life would have made a great story for a Lifetime for Women movie it would be Mary.
Her story is one of love, commitment and faith that is very inspiring, not only for moms, but for all believers everywhere.
I. An unplanned pregnancy.
Read Matthew 1:18-25
Mary was pledged, or betrothed, to Joseph. Often times in their culture, young children were pledged to another in a pre-arranged marriage by their parents.
Betrothal was official and binding; similar to a marriage engagement; but had a much deeper importance than our modern day practice.
During the time of betrothal the couple was known as husband and wife, and a betrothal could only be broken by divorce.
Mary was betrothed and pregnant prior to the marriage, even though she did not have any physical relations with Joseph.
How would their society expect Joseph to respond to this news?
Everyone would expect Joseph to give Mary a letter of divorce; not for irreconcilable differences, but for supposed adultery.
According to their laws, Mary could have been stoned to death and she would certainly lose all of the rights of inheritance,
References were made during Jesus’ life about the suspicions of Mary and Joseph’s pre-marital relations, in passages like
John 8:18 I am One who bears witness of Myself, and the Father who sent Me bears witness of Me."
John 8:19 Then they said to Him, "Where is Your Father?" NKJV
Later, John 8:39 Jesus said to them, "If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham.
John 8:40 But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this.
John 8:41 You do the deeds of your father." Then they said to Him, "We were not born of fornication; we have one Father, God." NKJV
Extra-Biblical writings tell us, that lies began to spread that Mary had become pregnant from a Roman soldier.
But here, Matthew set the story straight, for both then and now.
C. H. Spurgeon said, "There was no other way of His being born; for had He been of a sinful father, how should He have possessed a sinless nature?”
“He is born of a woman that He might be human; but not by man, that He might not be sinful." (Spurgeon)
Mary had to live with this innuendo and shameful rendition of her pregnancy with Jesus for most of her life. however…
As we read Matthew 1:19, we start to see the sincere kindness and faith of Joseph by his immediate response.
Joseph was in a terrible situation. What would happen if he were to get married to Mary?
Joseph would be publicly admitting he was the father of this child, that it appeared that he had physical relations with Mary prior to marriage; thus exposing him to be a sinner as well.
Here, the scripture describes Joseph as just, but even Joseph would have remembered the prophecy given within the OT.