
Summary: This special message is about how the church is to respond to this current worldwide pandemic, racial violence, and economic devastation. It is truly our only hope if we are going to survive.

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A Special Message

Our Only Hope

by Pastor Dennis Lee

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Who would have ever thought that in such a short amount of time, a couple of months to be exact, that we could have experienced such devastation and loss, not only here in America, with our loss of freedoms, but around the world.

So what are we to do? Well let me tell you what we can’t do.

We can’t go to our government and our elected officials, because they are over their heads and completely out of their league. All they are doing is trying to save their positions of power.

We can’t rely on our higher-level educational establishments; they’ve left truth and civil discussions long ago, and have promoted uncivil and often violent discourse and philosophy, where tolerance towards others is no longer tolerated.

We also cannot rely on science, medical or otherwise, for the answers, because they are on both sides of the issues. And it has become more opinions than facts, and they are completely dismissing faith, which they said actually promotes health and healing.

We can’t rely on our news outlets or social media to right the wrongs, because they are all stilted towards their own flawed philosophical bents by which they report and transmit the news. It’s never complete, nor balanced. It’s geared and written to sway opinions, not report the facts.

We also can’t trust our economic systems to right the boat, because every economic system that has been tried has failed, and those who are going to need it to survive are tearing down the only economic system that has been successful.

So what hope do we have?

Our only hope for the chaos we are seeing and experiencing is Jesus Christ, and His church. Our hope is not in humanity’s solutions, but in the Lord God only. Speaking of the church Paul said, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). And that Jesus is the head of the body, the church (Colossians 1:18).

And so, to find hope in the midst of this turmoil, we need to place our hope and trust in Jesus Christ, who is the hope of this world, and He will see us through whatever turmoil and strife we find ourselves in.

But our hope is also in the physical representation of Christ in our world today, and that is the church. Therefore, it’s time for the church, that is, those who believe in Jesus Christ to rise up, not in protest, but in prayer, serious prayer, and place a shield of protection over and around our countries from Satan and his demonic force who have invaded the hearts and minds of not only our governmental, educational, and economic leaders, but also the hearts and minds of the people themselves.

How else can we describe the utter disregard towards others, the hatred and vitriol that is being spewed, and the violence being directed towards anything and everything that doesn’t look or talk like them, or that may not agree with their point of view. In fact, I’ve just read how we are now living in a “hate everyone” culture.

But, while we need serious prayer for our world, we also need serious prayer for the church and for it to be an effective force for the Lord and for good, and the reason we need to pray for the church is because it has started to stray away from God and His truth.

In a recent devotional I talked about how the church, while fearing God, is serving the false gods of this world. It says in 2 Kings 17:33 that “They feared the Lord, yet served their own gods.”

This unfortunately is seen in how some church denominations are beginning to serve the gods of our current culture, with their approval of the dismantling of God’s definition of marriage between a man and a woman and replacing it with alternative lifestyles.

The church has also been silent when it comes to the sanctity of life, as some churches no longer speak up against abortion.

And what’s sadder is how some churches have even taken up the same talking points as the society around them. They are no longer the voice of God and His word, and instead they become one of the many voices of our society’s norms and morals.

Consider the Apostle Paul words about God’s wrath against the sinfulness of humanity saying, “Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” (Romans 1:32)

And there is the hypocrisy coming from the pulpit, as some pastors have compromised their calling by being caught up in questionable behaviors, or are living in sin.

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