
Summary: Christ was given names many years before he came as a man

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Our greatest need at Christmas: If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer. But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.

Did you know that there are over 300 prophesies about Jesus in the old Testament?


Isaiah 9:1-7

The first candle of Advent is the prophecy candle. Prophecy could be called God’s finger mark on the leaves of the book, making way for miracles. It is God’s footprints on the life in this world. What Christ taught and accomplished and is accomplishing makes Him worthy of the names we will speak on today. Here is a description of Jesus some seven hundred years before He came to earth.

“His name shall be called, Wonderful-Counselor.”


In the Old Testament we have a story that shows how God knows all but gives counsel to those He loves as help. This is found in the story of David and Bathsheba. God knew about David when he committed adultery/murder and waited for a time before he sent Nathan to confront him. God knows all that is going on in our lives and yet He is willing to come and offer forgiveness.

His wonderful works, words and witness prove Him to be Wonderful counselor. Mt. 21:15, “They saw the wonderful things that he did.” Acts 2:22, “Jesus... a man approved of God…. By wonders.”

He had WONDERFUL TEACHING. “Never did a man speak like this man.” His teaching was greater than all those who taught in that day and also this day.

He has a WONDERFUL CHARACTER. While He was in the world many saw their sin and repented and became children of God, yet we can say with no doubt that He never had anything to repent of in His life as a man.

He was WONDERFUL IN LIFE. He lived a life of purity that God accepted Him as the perfect sacrifice for our sins and not just for our sins but for the sins of the whole world. Now listen to this discovery about “Wonderful.” This word in the Hebrew is never used in relation to man and man’s works. It is used only of God and His works. Before Jesus left this earth He gave us this promise of another one as counselor. JN 15:26 “But I will send you the Counselor—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will tell you all about me. JN 16:13 “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting his own ideas; he will be telling you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.”

For the problems and perplexities we encounter that seem to have no solution we have Counselor who can explain and bring us through the hard times of life.

“His name shall be called, Mighty God”


We have two examples from the Old Testament that show God as the All-powerful Deliver. One is when He brought Israel out of Egypt after their four hundred of being salves. The other when He delivered Shadrack, Meshack, and Abendego from the fiery furnace. Jesus came mighty with the might of God. He did not have to create his might because he was God. He was the promise one, the predicted one and He was God. Let me ask you if He was only a man why were there not more men created like Him?

“His name shall be called, Everlasting Father.”


God is One who loves His people like no one else. We do not get to escape all the trials in life but He goes with us through them. One story we have is when Paul and Silas were trying to help but ended up in prison. Another story we might not think much about is when John received the words that became the book of Revelation. He was sent to that island for a vacation but to die. It is because of his everlastingness that He can make all who believe in him to enjoy everlasting life. They become the sharers of eternity with him. Jesus as the everlasting Father has accomplished more than any other person for the ages to come. It was He who came to be born as a baby in Bethlehem to bring freedom from the bondage of sin and life from the dead. Because He lives I can not only face tomorrow but have life that is everlasting in His kingdom. He is always there when I need comfort.

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