A Second Mile People
Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Jun 4, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: "If anyone forces you to go one mile go also the second mile." This command is known by some theologians as:The "Second Mile Principle". Yet far too few Christians apply themselves .to this principle.
For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four scriptures read before the Message. Today's lessons are: Leviticus 19L1-2,9-18; Psalm 119:33-40; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23; and Matthew 5:38-48
BIBLE "If anyone forces you to go one mile go also the second mile." Or as the old King James version states: "And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, ... go with him twain." END Matthew 5:41
This Scripture ... is part of a very well known passage .... called the "Sermon on The Mount".
And this teaching ...was shared very early ... in our Lord's ministry.
The disciples needed to understand this concept... ......in order ... to move forward in their walk ... with the Lord.
Jesus is urging His disciples ... to get a handle on these concepts early on.
They needed to understand this milk .... in order to move on ... to the meat of the work ... that lay before them.
This principle .... this command by Jesus .... is known by some theologians as: .... The "Second Mile Principle".
Yet far too few Christians ... apply themselves ....to this principle.
This Greek word translated "force or compel" .... In the statement if any one forces you to go one mile.
Carries with it ......the idea of a "readiness ... a willingness" ... to submit to .... An inconvenience .... or to an unreasonable demand.
Jesus stated ...." If anyone forces you (Slow) to go one mile...."
To put this in context ....... this phrase has reference to the Roman Army;
A Roman solder... under imperial law ... could demand a Jewish man or boy ... to carry his burden up to one mile.
But Jesus states .... that he should carry it not one mile but...twain, .... That is twice the distance.... two miles.
Doubtless, .... many burdens ......were transported this way throughout the Roman empire.
If a Roman soldier saw a Jewish man or boy, ....he could command them ......to carry his pack or burden for one mile.
However, .... most Jews would not carry this burden one step further ......than the law required.
The Roman mile was 1000 paces or 1520 yards ... a little shorter ... than the English mile.
As you can imagine, .... this law caused terrible resentment ... among the Jews .... toward the Romans.
Can you imagine how the disciples felt when Jesus said, ......(Slow) ...... "go the second mile?"
No doubt, the audience was shocked ... by such a statement.
This phase was used so regularly by Christians throughout the centuries .... that the phrase ... "To Go the second mile" ... has even found its way .... into our modern language.
The Romans had conquered much of the known world.
And One of the marvels of their conquest .... was a vast system of highways .... which they had built to and from .... their conquered territories.
There were over 50,000 miles ... of these Roman roads .... throughout the empire.
And at each mile ......was a stone marker.
Which were called .... "guide stones."
These guide stones.... pointed direction, .... determined distance, .... And warned of dangers.
In addition, ......each stone ......had etched on them the distance in miles ... to Rome.
Thus came the well-known phrase, .... "all roads lead to Rome."
Now......No one likes to be compelled or forced ......to do someone else's ... work.
At the very least, .... we are apt to complain.... argue .... or simply refuse.... to be so ... used.
But Jesus tells us ... not only to take on the burden...... but to carry such a burden .... twice .... what is expected. (Pause)
Notice in our text that Jesus is speaking ...... (Slow) only to his followers....
Only to those ... that are a new creation in Christ Jesus.
He does not say .... anything directly ... about the Roman Soldier.
Instead .... He says, .... "If anyone forces you .... If anyone compels you".
If anyone ......believer or non-believer ... compels you to do something .... that is obviously not contrary to
Scripture...... You are to go the extra mile .... you are to do ... twice as much.
Beloved ... we are a new creation .... we are in the world .... but not of the world.
We are a people displaying grace ... radical grace .... a grace that the world ... cannot comprehend.
We are givers of our time .... We are servants ... to those that God places ... in our lives.
We are called to be active within the Body ... and to be active ... within the world.
We are called to Serve ....To do more than expected.
The Scripture tells us of another ... who was "compelled" ....... who was forced by the Romans.
BIBLE "As they went out, ... they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. They compelled ... this man to carry his cross." END Matthew 27:32 ESV