A Second Horrible Day For Job Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When we see God at work, sometimes no words are necessary. Sometimes, there is nothing we need to do but focus on God’s grace. Our best choice is to sit silently, and rely on what God has said to us.
A second horrible day for Job
Job Sermon Series, Part 3
Introduction (Job Slide)
- The book of Job is going to be a very challenging study for us
- Most people think this is about a man named Job who had a rough life
- However, we can easily fail to focus on the main character … God
- Job was a man who was considered blameless before God
- Bottom line: No one could rightly charge Job with morale failure
-- He also feared God: he lived in awe, respect, took God seriously
- Critical to see: What happens is in the course of ONE day
• Oxen were attacked by the Sabeans and carried them off
• The sheep and the servants were killed by (prob.) a lightning storm
• The camels were stolen by an invading Chaldean army
• His sons and daughters were killed by a mighty wind (tornado)
- Job’s response:
- Rather, in submission to who God is and what God has done for him
-- Not what God has done TO him, but what God has done FOR him
- Read Job 2:1-13
- Pray
Point 1 – Another day in Heaven
- In an instant, we see a second day of heavenly occurrences unfold (v1)
-- From Ch. 1, we saw that this happens, and now we see it is a routine event
-- Daily, angels of the Lord come to report their activities and receive instruction
- Satan, the great accuser, also comes with the angels to give his report (v2)
-- Once again, God asks him the same question, “Where have you come from?”
-- And again, Satan answers under God’s authority what he has been doing
-- APP: His job is the wreak havoc on this earth, under God’s authority
- Our world is where Satan lives and reigns, and his authority is granted by God
- Why is this important? So that we might understand how he works
-- We saw in Ch. 1 how he speaks to God, with cunning and deception
-- APP: Our lesson? If he would speak to God this way, we are not IMP to him
- So, God, knowing what Satan has been up to, asks a pivotal question
-- “Have you considered my servant, Job?” (v3)
- Let’s pause here … because we know that this was asked in Ch1, v8
-- And from that, we know what the devil was granted authority to do to him
-- So, why would God re-ask this question to the father of lies and deception?
- Simple! Satan’s first round of attacks had proven futile against his faith
-- Job did NOT curse God as Satan had predicted, and Satan was proven wrong
-- IMP: God knew this would happen, He knew what the result was, and was right
- The Lord is saying: My servant is still solid, still with total faith
-- Job had not sinned, and therefore what happened to him was b/c of Satan
-- It was not because Job was being punished for sinning against God
- Job … was blameless and upright before God … we should be also!
-- Re: We must NOT shake our fist at God when things happen
-- IMP: We do not know the “why”, for example Job didn’t know either!
- TRANS: Therefore, Satan decides to go at this from another direction …
Point 2 – Satan attacks Job … AGAIN!
- With unfailing faith in himself, Satan decides to go all-in with God
-- His cry in v4 is critical for us to see: “Skin for Skin!”
-- He actually charges Job with sacrificing all he has to save his own skin!
-- APP: Satan contends that Job gave everything up to benefit himself
- Re: He is the great accuser, and willing to do whatever it takes to get his way
-- Satan is implying that it is not because Job loves God that he is faithful …
-- … but now, he has willingly given up everything to make sure he is protected
- So once again, Satan asks God to strike Job personally (flesh/bones) (v5)
-- Satan’s hope is that Job will be broken and will curse God, finally
- So, God grants him authority to attack Job’s body
- However, he gets the same instruction: “you must spare his life” (v6)
-- APP: You can do what you like, but you cannot kill him
- Challenge: What if you were Job, would you survive this onslaught?
- Immediately, Satan went out to attack Job … and inflicted him horribly (v7)
-- He was given painful sores from his feet to his head, producing pain 24/7
-- These were probably something similar to boils, with no relief available