
Summary: By the time this year is over, your testimony will be that God didn’t just visit you once or twice, but you had several life-changing visits from God this year.

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The best thing that can happen to anyone is for the Almighty God to visit that person. Your life can never be the same after a divine visitation. The change we need in our lives, family, church and nation will surely come when God visits us.


If a person visits you too frequently, the person can become a pain in the neck or a pest. This is why Proverbs 25:17 advises us not visit our neighbor too frequently. You can get weary of peoples visits, but you can never get weary or tired of God visiting you. In fact, the more God visits you, the better your life. This is why God wants to visit us not just once but frequently and continually throughout our lifetime.

Divine visitation is not a one-off thing. Divine visitation is not meant to be a onetime experience but a continuous experience all through our lives. Abraham is the best example of someone in the Bible who experienced continuous divine visitation. God didn’t just visit Abraham once, but several times in Abraham’s lifetime. From Genesis 12 to Genesis 22, there are at least 8 different instances when God visited Abraham. I pray that this year God will not just visit you once, He will visit you continuously; He will visit you all through the year. I pray also that God’s visitation will not end with this year. For the rest of your life, you will enjoy divine visitation. By the time this year is over, your testimony will be that God didn’t just visit you once or twice, but you had several life-changing visits from God this year.


When God decides to visit a person, He can visit the person directly; that is God appearing directly to the person or God touching the person directly. God can also visit a person indirectly. God visits indirectly by sending His servants to a person or by sending angels to the person. Abraham was someone that was blessed to have God visit him in these different ways. God visited him directly; God appeared directly to Abraham at different stages in His life (Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 12:6-7, Genesis 13:14, Genesis 15:1, Genesis 22:1-2). God also visited him indirectly. In Genesis 14:18-20, God sent Melchizedek the King of Salem, a priest of the Most High to Abraham. Melchizedek did two significant things that had a positive, life-changing effect on Abraham. Melchizedek gave bread and wine (a special communion) to Abraham. Melchizedek also released a special blessing into Abraham’s life. God also visited Abraham indirectly through angels. In Genesis 18:1-15, God sent three angels to visit Abraham. One may then ask, if you are in a tight corner or you desperately need to get out of a problem, which of these visitations is better? Which carries more weight? Which is more effective? Which would guarantee a faster result or change in your situation, to have God visit you directly or for God to visit you indirectly through His servants or through an angel? Indeed all three are powerful ways of God blessing a person. All three can result in significant changes in your life, can bring about great testimonies. Like it happened to Abraham, whether God chooses to visit you directly or He chooses to visit you indirectly using one of His servants or an angel, because it is God orchestrating that divine visitation, something substantial and exceptional will happen in your life after that visitation. I pray that all through this year, God will visit you directly, He will appear directly to you, He will touch you directly. He will also send His servants to release blessings into your life that will change your story. And He will cause you to experience angelic visitations that will result in your being supernaturally blessed.


We can be praying about something or praying for something for years but we don’t even understand what we are praying about. I know that at different times you must have prayed to God to visit you. God wants us to have a better understanding of what happens when He visits a person, family or place so we can desire and pray more earnestly for a divine visitation for if there’s one prayer you need to pray for yourself this year, if there’s one prayer you should pray all through your lifetime, it is for God to visit you.

A divine visitation results in four very impactful things. When God visits you;

1. You will receive clear direction from God for your life

When God visited Abraham in Genesis 12:1, God gave Abraham specific instructions for his life. The instruction God gave Abraham for his life was so clear. God told him RELOCATE. That was the simple instruction God gave Abraham. God can be that precise, direct and specific when giving divine direction. God told him to leave his country and people. God told him to relocate to another country. This wasn’t a decision Abraham took in the flesh. A lot of people make decisions like this because it’s something everyone close to them or around them seems to be doing. Some others because they are tired of their country and the hardship there relocate. They didn’t receive any clear direction from God, they just went ahead and took such a decision and today even though they have relocated to what appears to be a better place, their life isn’t any better because it wasn’t God that directed them to take that decision.

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