A Religious Hell
Contributed by Richard Cook on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There are many in the church today that are religious, but religion won’t get you into God’s Kingdom, what God want’s is a relationship.
Matthew 7:21-23
[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
In our present day generation, to many people, Hell is merely a figment of ones imagination.
But in reality, Hell is the most horrifying places that a person could spend eternity.
Hell is a solitude place which the Almighty God created for Satan and all who follow him.
In Isaiah 5:14 the Prophet Isaiah says, "Therefore hell hath
enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure."
SOMEONE might be saying right now, "I don’t believe in Hell,
because God is a good God and He wouldn’t condemn anyone.
But let me ask you this question…. "Do you believe in Heaven?"
If so where did you get your information from?
From the Bible!…God’s Holy Word.
Well the same Bible that tells us about Heaven also tell us about the Horrors of Hell.
In fact, it tells us more about Hell than it does about Heaven.
If you believe in Heaven… you must believe in Hell
• Who are we to say that one part of the Bible is true and another part is not true?
• Who are we to say that some parts of God’s Word should be
accepted and the other part rejected?
Let’s look for a moment at some Biblical expressions which
describes the Horrors of Hell.
Hell is called…….
• A Lake of Fire……… A Place of Everlasting Destruction.
• A Horrible Tempest… A Place of Weeping and Wailing.
• A Bottomless Pit……. A Place of Torment.
• A Devouring Fire…… A Place of Outer Darkness.
• A Place of Sorry……. A Place where men will have no Rest.
• A Place of No Hope….. A Place where the Fire is Unquenchable.
• A Place where the Worms….. and Maggots will never Die.
• A Place where Men will be Tormented with Fire and Brimstone.
Yes… By all means, with these graphic descriptions of Hell it should let us know that….
Hell is a reality and a terrible place to spend eternity.
• Hell Is A Place Of Conscience.... Unending Suffering.
All those who will go to Hell will go through conscience, unending suffering and torment for eternity in the unquenchable fires that burns both day and night without ceasing.
And all the lost souls in Hell will not be able to escape from the agony of the Worms and Maggots that will never die.
In Hell you will not be able to escape from the smell of
Death that will infiltrate your nostrils for eternity.
Yes… Hell is the worst place that one could spend eternity.
When I was a boy growing up in Oklahoma, I accidentally stuck my hand into a pack of worms that was on a tree.
But… I Thank God that I was able to shake my hand and all of the Worms fell off!
But…. In Hell you will not be able to shake the Worms and Maggots off.
They will forever crawl all over you.
They will work themselves into every body opening that you have. Yes… in your eyes…in your ears…in your mouth…. in your nose…And yes in places that we won’t even mention.
Hell will be a Place where the Worms and Maggots Will Never Die.
When I was a boy my friends and I would go to the pond not far from my house and dig around for crawfish and tadpoles.
As we dug around in that smelly black mud and the smell would get on our hands and clothing.
But…. I Thank God that we were able to wash our hands
and clothing and the horrible stench would go away.
Hell will be a Place … where there will be a Smell of Death that will infiltrate your nostrils for eternity.
When I go fishing or work out in the yard too long I get burned from the heat of the sun.
But …. I Thank God that I am able to put some medicine on my burn and ease my pain.
Hell will be a place where the pain… from the fire cannot be
The Fire in Hell will burn and torment you both day and night
for eternity.
Your Companions In Hell Will Be The Most Vilest Creatures.
How would you like to live in the same house for eternity with...
• Thieving Trustees..…
• Murdering Church Members…..