
A Proper Place

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Living a life free from fear and anxiety is possible when we learn to trust God completely, giving our fears and worries to Him and expecting His peace to fill our hearts.

A Proper Place

Youth Group Plan: A Proper Place (Philippians 4:6-7)

Youth Sermon: A Proper Place


So, you know how we all have that one drawer or closet in our room that's just full of random stuff? It's like a black hole, right? You throw in all the things you don't know what to do with, and they just disappear. But the thing is, they don't really go away. They're still there, cluttering up your space and your mind.

That's kind of like what we do with our fears and worries. We shove them into the back of our minds, hoping they'll just disappear. But they don't. They're still there, messing with our peace and joy.

We shove them into the back of our minds, hoping they'll just disappear. But they don't. They're still there, messing with our peace and joy.

Giving Our Fears to God

But here's the good news: we don't have to keep all that junk in our heads. We can give it all to God. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, tells us not to worry about anything, but to pray about everything. When we do that, God's peace, which is way beyond anything we can understand, will guard our hearts and minds.

We can tell God what we're worried about. He already knows, but He wants to hear it from us. We can thank Him for all the good stuff He's done for us, and ask Him to help us with the stuff that's freaking us out.

And here's the cool part: when we do that, we can expect God to do His thing. We might not understand how, but we can trust that His peace will blow our minds.

Facing Anything with God

Paul also says that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. That means that with God, nothing is impossible. We can face anything, as long as we trust in Him.

The Challenge

So, here's the challenge for this week: let's try to clean out our mental junk drawers. Let's take out our fears and worries, look at them, and then give them to God. Let's expect His peace to fill our hearts.

Try starting each day with a quick chat with God. Thank Him for the good stuff, and ask Him for help with the tough stuff. Throughout the day, keep talking to Him. It might feel weird at first, but trust me, it'll make a huge difference.

In a world that's full of fear, let's choose to trust God. He's always there, ready to give us peace and comfort. Let's live fear-free, trusting in Him.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What fears or worries are you holding onto that you need to give to God?

2. How can you develop a habit of giving your troubles to God instead of holding onto them?

3. What does it mean to you that God's peace surpasses our understanding?

4. How can you apply Paul's secret of being content in any situation to your own life?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Pass the Fear

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