
Summary: Sermon for Funeral

Jesus, in his text tells us He has provided…


Jesus has prepared a place – a final resting place

A place called Heaven – no more pain, sorrows, tears

It’s a place of green pastures; flowing streams; streets of gold

It’s a place that we should all long to dwell

But, this place Jesus prepared is a place for…


This place is only for those who have prepared to go there

Knowing life on earth will end – we must prepare for the eternal after-life

Can’t prepare by being good enough – going to church – doing good deeds

Well, how do we prepare? Even Thomas asked that in vs 5

“Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way”

In vs 6, Jesus gives all of us the answer to being a prepared people

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

Jesus said the only way to prepare for the place he has for us is to realize that He is the only way to that place

Rev 3:20 Jesus says he stands at the door and knocks…

(Name) knew that Jesus prepared a place for a prepared people and He accepted Jesus as the only way in His life

You and I must make the same decision before this life passes because if we leave this life without accepting Him

There is a prepared place as well for those who reject Christ – a terrible place called Hell – and no one should want to go there.

May we all prepare for the journey after this life


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