A Mother, A Thief & A Pharisee
Contributed by Garry Warren on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus’ mother, a thief that was crucified with Jesus and the two pharisees who placed Him in the tomb all responded differently to Jesus’death on the cross. How will you respond?
A Mother, a Thief, and a Pharisee
Read John 19: 16-42
Today we are looking at the actual crucifixion of Christ
When I came to seriously consider and study for this message I soon realised there were many ways that I could approach the topic.
I could do a verse by verse exposition and bring out some very interesting facts
The most probable route Jesus took to the cross
All the details about the actual act of crucifixion and what it involved
How many prophecies were fulfilled at the cross
The reason that I believe from this passage that John , disciple of Jesus, may in fact have been his cousin (According to info on Clopas given by Hegesippus a second century palestinian writer)
I could take time to tell you what crurifragium is and why that is relevant to these vss
Give some attn to the ‘blood and water’ reference and ponder over whether it pointed to a pericardial puncture or a post death plasma separation
Or whether or not it was a hyssop branch or in fact a Roman javelin that conveyed the spongeful of vinegar wine to Jesus lips
I could, but I won’t because this passage of all passages is so much more than an academic exercise -
The cross is the climax of Gods redemptive plan, Gods rescue mission for us and everyone else who will hear, understand and respond to it
The whole of scripture preceding this passage is a canvas painting the background of this picture
It is arguably the single most important event anywhere in the bible
The Cross, the heart of the gospel
Adam & Eve Blood and death, the price for sin
Noah Only one way to God
Isaac Give up a cherished son
God Himself will provide a sacrifice
Passover The spotless lamb
Covered by the blood
Snake on the pole Look on the snake and live
As Moses lifted up the snake in the desert so will the Son of Man be lifted up…
Sin offering Sins placed on the goat - scapegoat
Enter the most holy place once a year and not without blood for both his sins and those of the people
Sin is serious - God hates it and it can only be dealt with by death/blood
God requires a sacrifice for sins and we cannot provide it - we cannot afford the price
There is only one way to God
The sacrifice has to be perfect without spot or blemish, in other words, sinless
And God Himself will provide that sacrifice
God provided His own son as a sacrifice and unlike Abraham and Isaac,
this time the hand that dealt the death blow was not stopped,
although there was an army of angels who, at one word from Christ, would have come
down and lifted Christ from that cross, tended Him and taken Him home to heaven.
The price for sin and death has been paid once and for all , completely, done.
Christ died on that cross so that you and I can live, and there is no other way, and God wants you to understand and respond to Christ
How ?
How are we to respond to such an act?
How can I, personally, respond to Christ dying on a cross 2000 yrs ago? …………
At the foot of the cross are a no. of women, among them is Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Can you imagine how a mother would feel/react watching her son tortured and dying on a cross ? Perhaps only those who are mothers really can….
Perhaps she is recalling the words old Simeon spoke to her, about her son, so long ago;
“This child is destined to cause the falling and rising
of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken
against, so that the thoughts of many will be revealed.
And a sword shall pierce your own soul too.”
So this is the sword that he prophecied about
It is something every mother fears - losing a child and it is a fear that from the moment of Jesus birth was so very real for she would remember fleeing from the terrible anger of Herod in Bethlehem as He sought to destroy her son.
But she would know that it was for this purpose that Jesus, The Christ, was born into this world
Even so she is still a mother, and as she recalls all the times in her life when she would reach out to Jesus, feeding Him as a baby, tending the inevitable wounds and grazes that are part of being a boy, watching him grow to manhood. Wouldn’t it would hurt her deeply to see Him here in a situation that she had no power to protect Him from. Not even wipe the sweat from His forehead or bathe his wounds